Chapter 2- Mumma instincts

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Chapter 2- Mumma Instincts

Lucy's POV

I quickly pulled out my phone to call home and check on the kids, and I knew as soon as I heard my daughter on the other end of the phone something was wrong.

"Hello, Alice speaking." She said calmly but there was an edge to it.

"Hey Ali its mum, just wanted to check on you kids. Are you about to leave for school?" With my sensitive hearing I could hear voices in the backgrounds, more then the voices that were made by my three kids and their cousins.

"Oh hey mum.. Were ready for school but um we havn't left yet... Somethings come up." She sounded even more worried and a little stressed now that she knew it was me. I quickly gave Hunter and Kieran a worried look before indicating back towards our car. Hoping in the drivers seat, I saw Kieran jump in the seat next to me as Hunter got in the back.

"Alright Ali we'll be home in an hour and a half tops ok? Please call me if anything else comes up!" I said trying to convoy my stress over the phone to my daughter, the mirror image of my old best friend. I hung up the phone and placed it in the centre compartment, before starting to quickly explain the small bits I knew and what I'd heard. I started to drive like the devil was chasing us through back streets.

~~~~ Time Hop: 1 Hour Later ~~~~

I pulled our car into our long drive way and I felt my anxiety start to climb. There were no extra cars in the drive way except the boys black jeep and I knew the girls car was in the garage. I quickly hopped out and looked at my two best friends before walking quickly towards our house and pushing open the front door.

I walked into my house pushing the door open with a bang. I heard gasps and in takes of breath which I took to be a reaction to seeing me, every vampire inch of me. My eyes locked on him first and I felt something in me spark back to life but at the thought I instantly pushed it to the side ignoring it entirely. I looked around the room at everyone trying to hold the same scowl on my face but when I finally looked at her, at Solange I felt my face start to relax. Not even a meter or two away Solange and Nicholas stood from two of my kids, my eldest daughter Kendall and son Alexander. I heard Hunter and Kieran come in behind me and again everyone gasped. I looked at the brothers as I walked right down the middle of them towards my kids.

"LUCY!" I heard Logan say as I walked by him pausing to smile at him, Isabeau stood at his side and she smiled kindly as always, revealing her extra set of fangs in the process.

"Hey Logan." I said listening to my voice and making sure it didn't waver. "Hey Isabeau." I couldn't help the affection that surged through me looking at him, a had to fight to stop it. He was one of the brothers I'd been closest with besides Nicholas. It had always been Solange, Logan, Nicholas and me, bundled together because of our age.

"Mum are we in trouble?" I turned to look at my baby girl Alice as she hopped up from where she'd been sitting and walked towards her brother and sister who I was now standing in front of, trying to block them from view. Which can be hard when you're 14 year old son is pretty much taller then you.

"No your not Ali." I said touching her hair affectionally. She was my stresser child, never wanting to be in trouble and hates to do the wrong thing by anyone. 

"Lucy, is that you?" I heard her voice and the hope and sadness laced inside her question, I slowly turned around to face her. 

"Yeah its me Sol, I take it you've met you're goddaughters then?" I asked noticing Hunter move to stand in front of her sons who were both several inches taller then her.

"Yeah we met, we've all been talking..." She trailed off half way through her sentence.

"Lucky would we all be able to sit down and talk please, Kendall already started explaining things." I watched Helena smile at Kendall and of course she had, my mother had always wished a child on me just like me so I could suffer like she had, well her wish came true. I nodded just as Helena started speaking again. "She's just like you were at 14, you were exactly the same and it seems her and Alice are the equivalent of what you and Solange were like."

Vampire, Mum & MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon