Chapter 4

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After a few weeks of not seeing Clark, we ran into each other at a coffee shop.

I was grabbing my drink and I noticed that he was sitting in the corner of the shop, diligently typing away at his laptop and brainstorming on a piece of paper. I had some time to spare, so I went over to his table.

"Hey, Clark!" I exclaimed.

"Natasha! It's good to see you again! It's been a while. Take a seat," he said, pointing to the chair in front of him. 

I sat and placed my things down. "How is work for you?" I asked. "I've been reading your articles every day." 

He blushed a little and closed his laptop. "Oh, thanks for reading. I appreciate it. And it's...going pretty well. How about you? Mr. Summers treating you alright?"

"I guess..." I said, as my smile disappeared from my face.

He noticed that I looked concerned and asked me for the truth. "Natasha, tell me honestly. Is everything okay?"

I looked into his deep brown eyes, and couldn't help but tell him what was really going on. "It's just that ever since you mentioned that something was off about Mr. Summers, I started to notice more and more that something was wrong. He disappears for long periods of time without telling anyone, or sometimes he'll stay the whole night working on a 'mystery project' that nobody knows about. It all seems...really odd." 

Clark scratched his head and tried to think of a possible explanation for what was going on. "I suppose that is really unusual."

I shrugged and took a sip of my coffee. Clark looked at his watch and realized that he was late to work. He quickly packed his laptop and notes into his bag. "I'm so sorry Natasha, but I have to get going right now. I don't want to be late."

"I guess I should get going as well," I said.

We both stood up and grabbed our coffees. I held my hand out for him to shake, but he pulled me into a comforting hug instead. His embrace was warm and soft and it was unfortunate that I had to let go. 

He ended the hug and looked at me and smiled. "Hope to see you around, Natasha," he said, and then rushed out the door.

I slowly made my way over to get some sugar for my coffee when I noticed that most of the people in the coffee shop were frantically leaving and going outside. Curious as to what was going on, I quickly walked outside and noticed that people were huddled around the street. 

I pushed to the front of the crowd, and my jaw dropped in confusion and awe. A large, red, slimey creature with a long tail was sprinting down the street, running on and around driving cars. Cars were crashing everywhere and people were running away from the horrendous creature. As the creature began to cause damage, people began to realize that this was a harmful creature and made a run for the nearest shops or buildings. 

"Everyone, get inside the shop!" I exclaimed, helping direct the people around me into the coffee shop. Just as I was directing most of the people in, a woman stopped and stared at the sky.

"Ma'am, please, come inside quickly! You are going to get hurt!" I shouted out to her. 

"But, it's Superman!" she exclaimed, pointing up at the sky. 

I gazed up and saw exactly what she said: Superman. He was flying down extremely quickly, his red cape waving in the wind behind him as he swooped down. When he landed, he began to help people inside the buildings. 

"Get inside!" he exclaimed, helping push more people inside the coffee shop. 

"You, too. Make sure everyone stays there," he told me, directing me inside the shop after I had helped everybody else inside.  

After this, he ran down to where the creature was wrecking cars and street lights. I stood by the window, observing Superman tackle the creature down. The creature, also very strong, knocked Superman over, scarring his nose. They continued to fight each other, throwing each other far distances and attacking each other with violent punches and kicks. 

As they fought, I realized that when Superman was directing me inside, his face looked oddly very familiar, but I couldn't associate him with anyone I knew. 

Superman and the creature continued to fight until, finally, Superman used his laser vision and injured the creature's leg. The creature wailed and fussed, but then eventually recovered enough to be able to run off down an alley and disappear. Superman did not go after him as he did not want to destroy the city streets anymore. 

People began to leave the shop and observe the damage created in the streets. Superman immediately flew off and disappeared out of sight into the sky. I joined the others outside the shop and helped some of the people who were injured in their cars get help. 

After I helped one last person find help, Clark appeared out of nowhere. 

"Natasha! Are you okay?" he asked frantically, making sure I was alright. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said.

"Okay, good. I was in a nearby building and I just wanted to make sure you were okay since I know you were just in the coffee shop with me." 

I smiled and assured him that I was okay. He smiled back, but I noticed something different about him. He had a scar on his nose. A scar that looked just like the scar the creature gave Superman on his nose.

Then it hit me after I realized who Superman reminded me of.

Was Clark Superman?


Author's Note:

Thanks everyone for reading, commenting, and voting! I appreciate it so much and sorry I haven't been able to update all that much. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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