02 :: Training And Yelling

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It was 8:28 and I was just getting ready. I found a simple white shirt, a red plaid shirt (Unbuttoned) and some black jean shorts. And of course, I grabbed my black snap-back. I woke up early today because, (1) I couldn't sleep with all the excitement. (2) Hee Young's snoring is unbearable. I decided to leave the dorm since there really wasn't anyone to talk to.

Slipping on my black converse, I walked out the door and went to the dance studio they showed me yesterday at the tour. Nobody was there (Score!) so I could do whatever I want. But stupidly enough, I just sat down and texted Sunny.

Me: Hey Sunny, hows my father?

SunnyBestie<3: Hi unnie. He's doing fine but we still don't have enough money for the treatment.

Me: Thanks Sunny. Please take care of him and say hi to Jason.

I didn't realize I was crying until I touched my cheek. I had been staring at the text message for about 7 minutes when people walked into the dance studio. I didn't see who it was, I wasn't bothered to look up. One of them groaned that's when I finally looked up to see Jungkook and Suga looking down on me.

"Anyoung!" I greeted, standing up quickly making my forehead to collide with Jungkook's. I groaned and sat back down as I rubbed my forehead. Jungkook laughed and did the same."Clumsy! Jungkook are you okay?" Suga patted Jungkook's back. I sat there staring at the ground muttering apologies.

Suga rolled his eyes and left the room. There was silence between Jungkook and I, awkward silence."Sorry about Suga. He's not like this usually." He explained,"What are you doing here?"

"I... wanted some peace and quiet. Away from Hee Young's snoring." I laughed. He laughed and looked at my face, squinting slightly."Were you crying?" I shook my vigorously. He probably noticed I was lying considering the fact when I cry I get all red and... teary (Duh!). "You're lying. It's so obvious. Why were you crying?"

I turned away which gave him the hint that it was personal. He cleared his throat and we were back to awkward silence. We sat there in silence before a lady walked in. She looked very strict and had a straight face. Jungkook quickly stood up,"Anyoung haseyo." He bowed and I followed his actions. She nodded,"Jungkook why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be practicing?" She asked. "Omo! I forgot. Bye Hye!" He waved and jogged out.

"Are you the only one?" She asked. I shook my head,"No, she'll-" Hee Young then burst in,"Anyoung haseyo! Sorry I'm late!" I laughed as the lady gave Hee Young death stares,"There are two boys, they are also trainee's. I was greeting them." Our trainer ignored her and introduced herself,"My name is Park Kahi. I will be your trainer."

Before she could continue two boys walked in. One looked really skinny and had black hair and the other just had brown hair and looked pretty normal. They introduced themselves as Ji Woon (Skinny) and Ha Neul (Normal dude). "Ooh~ Pretty ladies" Ha Neul winked. I rolled my eyes along with Kahi unnie and Hee Young.

The next 3 hours was just Kahi unnie explaining to us what we're supposed to do. She gave us all different assignments. Mine was to lose 3kg before Saturday, it's Monday. I was currently walking to the cafeteria and I really couldn't decide where I would sit. I saw V waving me over. I could hear Suga saying 'No!' and trying to pull V's hand down.

Suga was really getting on my nerves but I wanted to see how far he would go to push me away. I walked over to them with the apple I picked up. I sat next to V and was facing Suga who looked very upset."Why do you only have an apple?" Jimin asked. I scratched my neck nervously,"Kahi unnie game an assignment to lose 3kg before Saturday." Jungkook glanced at me and slowly pushed his strawberry yogurt over to me. I smiled at him and took it.

Suga mutters,"Probably because you're fat." I drop the yogurt quietly and looked at him. He's staring daggers at me."What is your problem Suga?! Why are you so... cold?!" I yell, standing up. Suga has crossed the line this time. Suga stands up also and yells back,"Because you're going to ruin everything! One of us will fall for you and when they do... they will forget everything we worked so hard for... our friendship." With that, he left.

I slid back into my seat and ignored the stares everyone was giving me. I wanted to cry, I could feel my face getting red. I feel like such a cry baby, crying everyday. Jimin ran to sit next to me. He hugged me and I couldn't help but hug back. I really needed someone to talk to. He pulled away and looked at me before looking Jungkooks way. He was hanging his head low.

"Jungkook, you can have your yogurt back, I'm not hungry anymore." I said, pushing it back to him. He glanced up at me and went back to staring at the table. "I gotta go. Bye guys" He said, before leaving. He was probably going to console Suga or something. Jimin went back to his seat next to Namjoon.

I suddenly got this terrible feeling of...


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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