I heard a large boom, I forced my head to look at the place where the boom started. I saw Sasuke, Lady Tsunade, Kakashi, Iruka, Yamato and others shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village. The force that was lifting me disappeared and I fell on the ground. I smiled at Sasuke, and my eyelids fell.

Sasuke’s POV

I saw Naruto on the ground, he has many bruises and wounds. My heart dropped and my body needs vengeance for hurting my future spouse. I saw two other Akatsuki members appear, Pein called them, the girl is Konan and the Plant-Guy-Thing is named Zetsu. Pein ordered them to leave at once for safety, but I didn’t let that happen.

I launched at Konan with my chidori and killed her fast, Zetsu escaped, tch I’ll get you next time. Deidara and Sasori appeared.

“Well, well, well, Knight and Shining Armor appeared, yeah.” Deidara teased. I felt that one of my nerve twitch.

“Yay~, that means dazzle in distress is  saved.” Sasori cooed.

I launched at them using my Katana blade but they quickly evaded. Deidara throws some clay-things that explodes and Sasori launched his Puppet at me. It was hard to fight because they are both in range attacks while I use short-range. As they are about to attack, a shadow appears and launched at them, Sakura came out of no where.

“Now, go save your princess.” Saskura said, I nodded.

  I hurriedly ran to Naruto while Sakura was fighting against Deidara and Sasori. Naruto soon woke up, I took him where Tsunade can heal him. I went back to fight with Sakura but it was too late, Sakura died as well with Deidara and Sakura. I looked back at Naruto who was shocked, His face mark grew larger as his eyes change.

He roared as his skin was being peeled and being covered by a red powerful chakra. Five tails appeared and attacked Tsunade who fell backwards. Wait, when I tried to leave him I only got 1 tails, and Sakura dies and she got to have Naruto’s 5th tails. DOES THIS MEAN SHE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ME. Wait, hold on Sasuke, now is not the time to be jealous.

Naruto made a massive ball made out of blue and red chackra, then he blew it ans the cave falls apart, all of us has to back up so that no one would get hurt. As soon as the explosive was gone the Akatsuki was buried and crushed by the blouders. Naruto’s rage grew, he attacked every person he sees. Luckily, Yamato and Kakashi  tamed Naruto’s 5th tails form and Naruto came back to normal, but his delicate skin was burned off, my poor Naruto.

Author’s POV ( Now it’s my time to shine! )

Yamato came back with Yamato carrying the dead bodies of the Akatsuki. Iruka was getting jealous of the way they laugh, and did you know that Yamato and Kakashi had a relationship before, hahahaha. Kakashi went to Iruka to say hello but Iruka didn’t give an eye contact.

“What’s wrong?” Kakashi asked.

“How’s your day with Yamato?” Iruka asked in a very jealous voice.

“Oh, I get it.” Kakashi kissed Iruka. (Kakashi didn’t wear a mask in this book… xD ) “Don’t get jealous, okay?” Kakashi asked.

“Okay.” Iruka nodded while blushing. He again was kissed by Kakashi.

As Naruto recovered quickly, He volunteered to join a platoon with Yamato, Kakashi, Iruka, Kiba (Akamaru was sent back to get reinforcement), Neji, Fuzzy brows, and Sasuke to track down and kill Zetsu.

 “You are so going to be dead…” Naruto said while jumping tree to tree.



Okay…. It’s boring and stuff, but please still support for more…….. ughh….. RATED Factors of this book.


Loving Mister Uchiha. [SasuNaru Fanfiction *BoyxBoy*]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt