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school is so fREaKiNG annoying

especially when .000001% of the people like you(may i remind you, my school only has like 150 students, if not less) and the people you used to talk to, talk about you behind your back

lol @ crw, scs, ops, and mint

youve been "exposed"

anyways, the people who have been talking about me are saying that i deserved having lost my best friend tO THEM? and that it was my fault because i was being friendly to everyone in the class too? but like, have i been friends with everyone else for 3 fUSJEIDJ YEARS?!?!? no i dont frICKEN think so.

but what really bothers me about this is that 1. she straight up stole my best friend, 2. says that i deserved being left out when, whenever shes not included gets mad, and 3. sHES FRIENDLY WITH EVERYONE ELSE TOO

im sO hAPPY im leaving my school. everyone sucks there(and im not just talking about d: ). and the most of the teachers dont like me, most of the people hate me and think im annoying so: //

anyways goodnight

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