Netflix & not so chill?

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Troye's POV

When I saw Connor I couldn't believe my eyes. He was the most cutest and sexiest thing I have ever seen. His shirt really complimented his abs and holy shit he was staring at mine when he saw me I blushed so hard. I was just wearing a grey gang top with black skinny jeans.

We were walking to his car and he asked me a bunch of questions and surprisingly it wasn't awkward. I really liked his company. He was playing his bomb ass Spotify playlist and the 1975's When She Lays Down came on and I started singing to it. He realized and looked at me with heart eyes. He knew I sang but never heard me. " you sound great!" He was so cute oh my god! "Thanks hah" we were pulling up to the restaurant and looked really nice. "have you been here before?" He asked. "No it looks good though" I said honestly.

We walked in and got a table quite easily considering there were so many people. "How did we get a table so quickly?" I asked. "I have my ways" Connor said. I then saw him wink at a guy that was walking by. I got a little jealous not gonna lie but what can I do. The guy looked handsome. He had a very blonde hair and wore round glasses. I'm sure they're friends.

We ordered food, and oH mY gOd it was so gOoD. We talked about our lives and why we moved here.

Dinner was ending and we were now just waiting for the waiter to come and give us our check. It was the same guy that Connor winked at earlier. When he walked over he started whispering in Connors ear quite seductively and I was getting pissed and Dominant. Connor saw how pissed I was getting and pulled away from the whispering shit. When we walked out of the restaurant And into the car. I asked him, "who was that guy that you winked at?" He looked a little shocked but still answered. "Just a friend." "Bull shit!" I yelled. "Tro calm down he's my roommate and he was the one who got us the seats so quickly" he says innocently and I think he likes my dominant side. "Oh... Sorry I over exaggerate I guess I just got a little jealous" I say now feeling guilty and embarrassed. "It's okay I understand... I was a little jealous when I saw that picture of you and Matthew." We both just looks at eachother for a moment and then he looked straight ahead of himself and started the car. He started driving towards my apartment. He pulled up the my apartment.
"You can come in with me. Dan isn't here." I said not asking. "Okay" he said. We were walking up to my room and I grabbed my keys to unlock it. I opened my door and we both walked in. "It's so Tumblr" Connor says. "Ughh shut up" I say as I chuckled.

I asked him what he wanted to do and he said watch so movies. "Wanna watch This is the End?" I asked cause that one of my faves. "Oh mY gOD yasSs" he yelled as I laughed and started the movie on Netflix. "Isn't Michael Cera in this. The guy that was in the meme you sent me?" He said. "Oh yea lol. And the only other reason I have this is because James Franco was hot aSs fUcK". We laughed through so much of the movie. It was coming to a close end and we were getting tired. "I should get going Tyler's gonna get worried." I was a little sad that he was going so I did something about it. "Okay" as I turned to him I pressed my lips against his and oh my were they soft. It was like kissing a babies hand. But better. I pulled away before he could do anything more. He noticed. "Ughh tease." He said as I chuckled. "I know. Goodnight Connie." I say as I open the door for him. "Goodnight Troye Boi."


Omg was this a night. 3 updates in one day. Anyways goodnight. Make sure to leave suggestions cause I have nothing planned for this story and it's getting boring already.


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