Chapter 22: The Only Apple

Start from the beginning

I can swear I hear a harsh voice ask, "Who is us?"

"Charlie of course!" she says into the phone and a second later she hangs up.

"He's coming." She smiles at me. Who?

Oh god, who?

Approximately two minutes later a car pulls up, one I recognize extremely well. We run through the rain in a hurry and slip in the car. Zayn turns around to smile at me.

"Good seeing you again, Charlie." I nod at and sink into his leather seats.

"Where to Jo?" he asks her, placing his hand on her knee. She doesn't flinch, but smiles at him. I can't blame her, especially because she doesn't know who he is. To her, he is just a beautiful looking man.

"We're going to visit Dom, can you take us there?" she ask and he nods at her and then looks back at me.

"I am sorry about your friend." He smiles. His smile sends a shiver down my spine and I look around the small back of his car for somewhere to puke, maybe on his face.

"You look like you need a cigarette." He says, reaching into his middle compartment and handing me it. I don't hesitate and light it quickly, missing the calming sensation in which it feels like forever since I smoked.

"You guys disappoint me." Jo laughs, watching us both take large puffs as Zayn begins to drive but I ignore her. I focus on my cigarette and all of the things on my mind. I focus on the thought that I am absolutely terrified in a car with Zayn, not even being alone, but when alone in a car with Harry, I struggle with wanting to be close to him.

But my mom, I remind myself.

I am no CSI agent, I can't just think about all of this and magically it's going to make sense. As much as I want to forget it all, shit keeps happening. I have a feeling it's all going to take me somewhere I don't want to be, but for now, I want to be with my friend. My friend who got hurt because of me.


"When do you think she is going to wake up?" Jo taps her foot impatiently . I look down at Dominique.

"They just gave her sleeping meds Jo, she will wake up when she wakes up." I shrug, taking a seat next to her.

After a few moments of silence, I stand up.

"Where are you going?" Jo yawns.

"I am going to go get some food from the cafeteria. Do you want something?" I ask.

"Oh my gosh, yes. A Cocoa Latte would be fantastic." She smiles. I laugh at her wide eyes and walk out of the room.

I walk down the hall to the stair way and open the door. I have walked down two flights of stairs when I begin to regret not taking the elevator. Someone is walking behind me, not sure if I am being followed.

Of course it feels as though I am being fallowed, ai am paranoid fuck. Feeling courageous, I turn around and frown.

"Hello." I say. The mans hifts his hat lower on his head and brushes past me. Feelings of relief rush through me, until...until he turns around.

"You are as beautiful as he says." He grins at me. He's old, I guess. With grey, brown hair and wrinkles swallowing his eyes whole.

"Who are you?" I step back, weighing my options.

Well, I could run. But where has that gotten me before?"

He ignores my question and steps closer. "I have a prpoposition." He smiles.

"Like hell I will listen to you. Who are you? What do you want with me?" I step back, but I am against the wall. The man grabs my wrist and digs his nails into my skin. I begin to squeal but his other hand wrap tightly around my mouth. It all feels so familiar.

"My job is easy. Make sure you stay where you need to be. Where you don't need to be is around Niall Horan. Got it? Stay away from him or we will kill him. You are a bitch, that is what you are. I do not understand why he is so interested in you, but it is my job to keep you away from nosy bastards like Niall Horan." He breathes, his breath smelling of a fresh cigar.

My eyes are wide under his hold but I don't squirm. I focus on breathing through my nose and he removes his hand from wrist. I look down at the purple fingerprints.

"I mean it, Parker. When you're the only apple in the tree, darling, people are going to watch you. They are going to sure as hell make sure you don't fall so the person who wants to eat you, doesn't get a spoiled apple."

"What does Niall have to do with this?"

The man's smile darkens.

"He just got too close to the wrong thing. Stay away from him and he won't get hurt. Tell anyone about this, and you will be standing over another grave wondering what you could have done differently." He squeezes my shoulder so hart I cry out in pain and sink down against the wall as he practically flies down another flight of stairs. I stair down at my throbbing wrist and close my eyes.

Wounded and confused, I decide to lie here, waiting for death to swallow me it should have ten years ago.

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