The Bet *Darkness and Light

Start from the beginning

So I don’t, because I don’t know what to say. I might just say something I’ll regret later.

“I find myself daydreaming about you,” Draky admits shyly. “Sometimes I’m smiling for no apparent reason at all, and then I realize I’m thinking about you.”

It’s easy to fall for him if I don’t really know what he’s up to. You can fall in love with a guy like him even for just a few days of meeting him. With his good looks, charisma, and unexpected surprises, he can capture your heart in an instant.

I lean to his chest, thinking of nothing, just this moment, not the past, not the future. I have to take one day at a time. This is present so it means that it should be the one you’re living; not something that already happened, and not something that might happen.

“Pie,” Draky murmurs, close to my ears, sending shiver and warmth in my body. “Thank you for making me happy.”

“I make you happy?” I ask, leaning back to look at his eyes. His eyes that can see right through my soul.

He touches my nose lightly with his forefinger and says, “You’re the only one who can make me feel this way."

I don’t know how to respond to that so I just smile and tighten my hands on his neck.

To my surprise, he starts to move slowly, bringing me with him.

“What are you doing?” I murmur.


Even though my eyes are close, I can imagine his expression. The corner of his mouth twitches upward, smiling his trademark smile.

“I’m not a good dancer,” I point out.

“Me neither.” He chuckles.

I don’t think what we’re doing is called dancing because we’re just swaying back and forth again and again. The soft music from a radio, I think it’s a radio, is our guide. It plays instrumental music. Before it’s violin, now it’s piano.

After a minute, he breaks the silence.

“Are you hungry?” he asks.

If you could see that I’m the one who understands you, been here all along

Suddenly, a giggle escapes from my mouth. “Seriously?” I ask between laughs.

First Love Story, now You Belong With Me. What’s next?

Draky smiles sheepishly and says, “Taylor Swift is amazing.”

“I know,” I agree, chuckling.

Draky answers his cell phone, cutting Taylor Swift’s song. “What?” he asks, after looking at the caller I.D. “Yes,” he says after a moment, glancing at me.

“Who is it?” I mouth.

“Andre,” he mouths back.

It’s hard to guess what they are talking about. Andre must be saying something important because Draky listens to him attentively, nodding his head as if Andre can see him.

“Really?” he asks. “Why didn’t you tell me?!” While he listens, his expression is changing. “Ha ha,” he says sarcastically, “funny.”

I really want to know what they are talking about!

“Okay, we’re going. Bye.”

“We’re going where?” I ask curiously.

“I think you have to go home now,” he says slowly, “they are getting worried.”

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