For a Friend

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Don't hide away in worlds of hurt,

But sing your songs aloud

The world adores you, dearest one,

You've much of which to be proud

Don't fly away, it's not your time

What hides behind the smile

May frighten you, but do remember:

Sorrow isn't worth your while

The pain may make you feel alive,

But solution, it is not

The worst harm that we do ourselves

In this way, it is wrought.

Don't ever feel that you're alone

I'm here to hear your woes

I'll help you out, as best I can,

That, you should always know

So do not let the hatred in,

You're too great for its pain

I'll carve these words upon a page

And tell you once again:

You're kind, courageous, and inspiring -

I'm grateful you're my friend.

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