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LIBRARIES were Nate's heaven as much as they were his hell.

He would often find himself running his fingers along the spines of hundreds of books- hundreds of adventures.

Sometimes, on those afternoons he would be looking for something specific- a non-fiction for a research project and on the odd occasion, in the fiction section when he had the chance.

But most often, Nate would find himself in the audiobook section of the library, where he felt most at home.

Being dyslexic made reading, something that Nate adored, very difficult. When words blend together or letters swap themselves, it made something that is supposed to be considered a relaxing pastime infinitely more difficult.

Nate tried anyway.

It was on one of these days, when the local libraries air conditioning offered refuge from the sweltering heat outside that Nate found himself aimlessly wandering between the endless aisles of shelves overflowing with books.

He had enough reading material to last him for months and yet Nate still felt the urge to be in the library, a place he considered his refuge.

Nate considered himself social- enough- to be considered popular or well known, but he still preferred reading and staying in than going out to get wasted with people he hardly knew.

Calla had a different point of view. She adored going out. If not for the people, for the alcohol.

More often than not Calla had found herself trying to forget.

Forget that she was sick.
Forget that she was tired.
Forget that her parents were fighting.
Forget that she was fighting with her parents.

In fact,  Calla wanted to forget that she was indeed sick and she was tired of being treated differently as a result.

Calla was not made of glass.
Everyone else seemed to believe otherwise.

The only person who seemed to see Calla as a person and not her disease was Nathan Prince.

Even the though of his name brought a smile to her lips.

Nate was different and Calla could see that her adored her and that terrified Calla, because, as cliche as it sounded she wasn't good enough for him.

She didn't believe she ever would be either.

Calla tried to stay away from him,push him away if she had to.

Because she knew; she was the captain of a sinking ship and Nate had wiggled his way on board, but she sure as hell wasn't going to let him drown with her.

But that didn't mean Calla wasn't going to make the most of it while she had the chance, which is why a few hours later, she found herself driving to one of the many parties that Friday.

Nate had a different idea on how to spend his Friday. It was almost closing time and Nate still found himself wondering the isles filled with books, completely oblivious to his surroundings.

He had just reached the section of general fiction, lost in his thoughts, when he was roughly pulled out of them, as something small barreled into him almost knocking him over.

It took Nate a moment to regain is balance and his bearings before realizing that the something happened to be a someone, who was now glaring at him like he was the one that ran into her.

She was beautiful. With curly chocolate colored locks and big brown eyes enlarged by thickly framed glasses to match, she was absolutely stunning.
Although for only reaching the center of Nate's chest and her petite frame this girl sure packed some power.

"Watch where you're going!" She snapped trying to sidestep him.

Nate raised his hands in a surrender like gesture, but sidestepped with her, "Sorry princess, but no can do, especially if it means running into beauties like you," he grinned.

She huffed, rolling her eyes, "If that actually works I'll be surprised," she frowned, "And don't call me princess,"

Nate smirked, "What else am I supposed to call you? Since I don't have a name, but I guess I could just call you mine,"

She rolled her eyes, but the corners of her lips quirked up slightly, "Smooth, but I've heard better, used better ones myself,"

Nate snorted, "Who said that was my best, get some coffee with me and I'm sure we can compare notes,"

Now she was smiling, "Do you make it a habit to ask a girl out before you know her name, or she knows yours for that matter,"

He grinned, "There's a first time for everything," before holding out his hand, "Nathan Prince, and what your name gorgeous,"

The girl held took his had, albeit a little reluctantly, "Call me A,"

"That short for something? Maybe Angel?"

A laughed, "No, dude stop laying on the charm so thick, I can almost spread it with a knife,"

Nate huffed, "If you're not going to give me a name, the least you can do is give me a number,"

A smirked, "Sure, 1-800 I don't think so,"

Nate groaned, throwing his hands up in frustration, "Come on, what's a guy got to do to get a pretty girls name,"

She giggled before smiling, "I'll give you a name if you tone it down,"

Nate smiled, "And go for coffee, " he subtly pointed to the books in her arms, "Maybe discuss the ingenuity of those authors,"

"Okay Slick we'll go for coffee," she turned around before heading over to the tables at the back of the section to grab her satchel before walking back to Nate, "And the name's Arabella, but my friends call me Bella,"

They stated am king their way to the front of the library, before Nate spoke up, "C'est belle, and it suits you Bella, beautiful name for a beautiful girl,"

Arabella nudged him, "I said only my friends call me Bella,"

Nate shrugged, "Then I guess I'll just have to call you Belle, since I'm obviously not part of the squad yet,"

She rolled her eyes, "That French thing was actually pretty cute. Do you actually speak it or was that a one-liner you use to pick up chicks?"

Walking through the entrance of the library Nate replied, "I speak it, among other things, but it definitely helps in the girl department, seeing as I did get you to go out with me,"

Belle nudged him again, "This isn't a date, it's coffee and what other things?"

Nate shrugged as they walked down the street, "The usual; sweet talk, pep talks, one-liners, pick up lines, smooth-"

Bella laughed throwing her head back and successfully cutting him off, "Okay I get it Nate, you're really smooth,"

"I'm glad you can admit that, now are you going to say that I'm still laying it on too thick?"

"Just a little, Slick,"

Hey guys,

Don't know if anyone actually reads these but long time no see, and I have no excuse for not updating but I hope you liked it and can share your thoughts or any ideas about how this is going as well as options.


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