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I felt cold and numb. It was like the time in third grade when I had frostbite. My body was painfully cold and pins and needles sent waves of discomfort through my limbs.

To be honest, I had expected more. I expected to rise Charon's ferry like I had not too long ago. I thought I would make my way through the judges tent and finally see all the memories I no longer remembered. I hoped that they would pass me on to Elysium where I would live in a nice house as I waited for Nico.

But that didn't happen.

I was in a dark room with no walls, ceiling, or floor that I could detect. It felt like I was suspended midair.

I held my hand in front of my face and wiggled my fingers, but I couldn't even see that. The room was so silent it was deafening and I strained my ears for any noise.

The faint sound of footsteps echoed off of invisible walls and kind laughter rang sweetly.

"Man, little sister, that was some performance you gave."

A man entered my view although it was quite hard to differentiate him and the black background. The skin around near-black eyes crinkled as he smiled at me.

A smile spread across my lips. "Hello Moros. It's good to see you again."

"You too little sister. I must say though, I knew you would complete your task--I saw that much as the god of destiny--but I didn't expect you to get yourself killed."

I grimaced. "So I really am dead then, huh?"

He held his thumb and forefinger a couple centimeters apart. "Just a smidge."

"Just a smidge? So I'm not completely dead?"

"Oh no, you're as dead as a door nail." A small smile spread across his thin lips. "But that's why I'm here." He pulled out a scroll. "Welcome to the Underworld where all your deadest dreams come true." He paused and read over the scroll with a frown. "Who in Hades wrote this? Ah forget it." He tossed it over his shoulder.

I smiled.

"Alright. We're doing this my way. Welcome to the Underworld. You are here because you've died. Currently you are in the area that stands in between the land of the living and the Underworld. It's kind of.

behind him. "And actually, there's someone here who'd like to see you." He stepped to the side.

A woman walked out of the darkness. The thing that struck me most about her was her hair. It's bright blonde stuck out like a sore thumb against the black background. Her skin was as white as snow. She wore a black dress that sparkled with constellations of stars that matched her glowing earrings. She was stunning but it was her eyes that captivated me. They were black, but not cold and soulless like Chase's. Hers were a soft, kind black and they twinkled with the brightness of a thousand stars.

My breath hitched and my eyes burned with the threat of tears. "M-Mom?"

She smiled and extended her arms. "Hello, my daughter."

My legs found out how to work and I ran into Nyx's arms.

She wrapped me in her warm embrace and pet my hair softly. "Oh child, I am so, so proud of you. You have done so well in your quest."

I looked up at her. "But I died."

"That doesn't matter. As sad as it is, heroes die all the time, and you were just another one of the casualties," she said with a frown.

"You know, Mom, it's probably not the best thing to call your kid a casualty." I let out a small laugh.

She laughed with me. "I suppose you're right. Forgive my rusty mother qualities, but it has been some time since I've had a child."

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