6 | Entry Way Song

Start from the beginning

I didn't want to go in there. Stand in the front of the room for everyone to point and laugh at my bruises. I'd have to do my walk of shame to the back of the classroom and risk being tripped on the way. And I didn't even want to think about how Sophia would react.

"Avery," Drake spoke, pulling me out of my head. "Do you want to exchange numbers?"

I tilted my head at him, waiting for him to explain why he thought that was necessary.

"You can call me, if something ever happens again," he offered, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

And as much as I wanted to take it, (because let's face it ,something will happen again), I have had to change my number three times this school year alone. It leaks every now and then to people who only use it to send threats. I couldn't deal with something like that right now; Sophia was giving me enough to do at the moment.

"I can't," I responded, hoping it was enough because I didn't have the energy to explain myself.

Drake gave me a nod and understanding smile, before putting his phone back in his pocket. He opened the door for me and as expected, everyone's eyes turned towards us.

"Avery, so nice of you to finally join us. Why are you-" Ms. Dean started but Drake cut her off.

"She was at the nurse, she suffered a bit of a fall. She only came to recently," Drake explained politely, and Ms. Dean nodded her head slowly before motioning for me to come inside of the classroom.

Drake walked me to my seat before thanking Ms. Dean and leaving the classroom. When I finally got settled in my seat, I noticed that Sophia was staring at me with a mildly angered expression. I didn't want to ask her about it right now though because Ms. Dean probably wouldn't appreciate me coming to her class late and talking during her lecture.

However, when Sophia's look intensified and her pencil started tapping on my desk, I realized she was probably going to create a bigger distraction than my whispering.

"What's wrong Sophia?" I whispered, not taking my eyes off of Ms. Dean.

"Funny you should ask that. I was just about to ask you the same thing," Sophia hissed, her pencil tapping becoming more frequent.

I sighed, resisting the urge to bang my head on my desk. "Sophia, can you please explain?"

"Why were you at the nurse Avery?"

"I passed out in gym," I answered, giving her a sideways glance to tell her that I didn't want to talk about it right now.

Sophia opened her mouth, but gave me one more hard glare before turning her attention back to the front of the room.

I can't wait to talk about this later.

Drake's P.O.V

I pulled my backpack over my shoulder, and closed my locker shut. As I began my walk out of school, I suddenly heard my name being called, or should I say shrieked, from behind me.

"Drake wait!" Serenity yelled, her heels clicking across the ground.

I tried not to let my face show my reluctance as I turned around to face her. I really thought I was going to make it out of here without having to deal with this.

She skid to a stop in front of me, her breasts threatening to fall out of her shirt. I almost covered them with my hands to save her from mortification, but that would mean having to touch her.

"Babe, I thought we were going to the movies today!" she whined at a pitch that almost made my head explode.

I had only agreed to going to the movies with her because she had been complaining non-stop about us not going on enough dates. Which is annoying to say the least because she isn't going to want to be watching the movie.

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