Chapter 1 - Lesson 6

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1.6 The Sense of Sight

Structure of the human eye

1 The eye is a sensory organ of sight. It is sensitive to light.

2 The spherical human eyes are held by muscles in the bony sockets of the skull.


Three pairs of muscles control the movements of the eyeballs.

4 The tear gland produces tears to clean the eyes and kill microorganisms.

4 The tear gland produces tears to clean the eyes and kill microorganisms

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Photo 1.2 Front view of the human eye

5 The wall of the eyeball is made up of three layers:
• the sclera
• the choroid
• the retina

6 (a) The sclera is the outer layer of the eyeball. It is white, tough and opaque.
(b) The choroid is the middle layer of the eyeball. It has black pigments and a lot of blood vessels.
(c) The retina is the innermost layer of the eyeball. It has many receptors that are sensitive to light. These are called photorceptors (cones and rods).

7 Figure 1.11 shows the internal structure and functions of different parts of the eye.

11 shows the internal structure and functions of different parts of the eye

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Figure 1.11 Parts of the eye and their functions

How do we see

How do we see

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