Chapter 27

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Chapter 27
I woke to the feel of Liv's cheek rubbing against mine in her sleep. It felt nice against my stubbles reminding me that I needed to shave. Turning over I spied the time on the clock. Ten-thirty-nine. I groaned but it felt nice to sleep in for once. And over the past couple of days I really needed it.
I smiled as I peered upon her. Such pale skin for someone that lived in New York. She should be tanned and burning with colour. But she wasn't. It was like her skin was made for my climate.
My fingers found their way to her dirty blonde curls. Each one was perfect. Feeling in a playful mood, I pushed all of her curls into her face, smiling when she groaned.
"What are you doing?" she moaned making me chuckle.
Without being to help myself, I shuffled closer to her and started to kiss the back of her neck. She moan again.
"That's nice," she muttered still half asleep.
I took her moans as a signal to slide my hand under her pink singlet and up to her perfect sized breast. Her groans became louder as I squeezed it and pinch her peek nipple.
"Callum," she groaned and that was enough to send me over the edge.
I took her thighs and rolled her on top of me before I flipped us both so that I was on top. Before she had a chance to stop me, I was already pulling off her singlet and sucking down on her nipple. I felt her hand lead mine to her other breast showing it the same affection.
"Mmm we should -."
"Shhh," I said placing my finger to her lips, "I haven't been with you in two days."
She giggled at my desperation, "of course you have. I was with you yesterday."
"Not what I mean," I half growled moving back to her nipples.
"Okay," she sighed, "but I promised Allie I would hang out with her today."
"What?" I asked stopping.
"What? She wanted to hang out."
"So I almost die, but my sister gets you today."
"You seem pretty alive to me."
I scoffed, sitting up on my knee and pulled her up with me.
"I want to do things to you that will make you not want to leave the bed today," I growled kissing her lips.
"Mmm, okay," she agreed.
That was my signal. I pushed her down and took her hands and placed them above her head.
"Wait, wait, condom," she stated so quickly.
"Excuse me?"
She frowned, "a condom, protection, that sort of thing."
I groaned leaning over to the bedside table and fished out a condom. I placed it on the table, ready for when I needed it.
"Happy?" I asked, returning to her.
She kissed my lips and slightly rolled against me.
"Now I am," she told me, giggling.
I chuckled, cupping the backs of her thighs and yanked her so that she legs were spread and she was pressed against me. Grinding against her, we fell into a steady rhythm, getting a feel for each other again. I watched her groan and roll her body with her hands still above her head. She really was beautiful. Shuffling back, I hooked my fingers in her tiny shorts and pulled them down her legs. I quickly pulled off my sweat pants the pushed her knees to her chest. Three quick licks between her legs before  spreading them wider for me. Putting on the condom, I started to enter her. At first she was tight and it was hard to move. But soon she stretched to my size.
Groans came from both of us as I grinded back and forth inside of her. Her nails clawed at my skin but weren't long enough to break it.
It wasn't long till I felt her go overboard which sent me over the edge as well. Three pumps later, I fell next to her, out of breath.
It took us about three minutes just to be able to speak again.
"That was - amazing," she said between breaths.
I chuckled, "never doubt me."
"I won't," she told me, climbing on top of me.
"How are you feeling?" She asked tracing my tattoo.
"A little out of breath," I admitted making her smile, "I feel fine. Doctor Glen said that the wolfsbane was out of my system and it shouldn't be long till I'm back to my full strength."
She frowned, "you're not at your full strength?"
I shook my head, "at my full strength, I would be able to push a patrol tanker, easily. Right now, I think I could probably just pull a mini bus."
"That's still a lot of strength," she stated.
"Not in my world."
"Tell me about your world?" she asked.
I frowned, "You know my world."
"Do I? Sometimes I feel like I don't know anything."
"There's books in the library," I told her.
"It's not the same as if you were telling me."
"Well then, what do you want to know?" I asked her.
She shrugged, "I don't know, how violent can you be?"
I was silent as I thought. It was just a tricky question. Other wolves could be brutal. Alpha's alone loved to rule by fear instead of loyalty and torture was their main choice of punishment. Up until a couple of days ago, I thought that I wasn't that sort of alpha. But I had traded the life of a witch for my own benefit.
Realizing that she was still waiting for my answer, I told her, "Like I told you before, when rogues fail to ask questions we have to force it out of them. But I don't personally do that."
"Who does?" she asked.
"Why Archie?"
"He's my beta. But we don't do it often, only when –."
"A rogue tries to kill someone apart of the family," she jumped in.
I nodded, "Other reasons too. If there's a vampire or –," I stopped when Liv started to laugh, "What?"
"Did you seriously just say vampire?" she asked trying to stop her laughing.
"I'm sorry, I mean, of course vampires exist but it's just so weird to hear you say it so normally."
"Well, vampires aren't common in Scotland. There mostly common in American."
Her eyes widen, "Excuse me? what do you mean they're mostly common in American?"
I frowned, "I mean, what I said. Why are you so shocked?"
"Why do you think? I lived in America. It's kind of a shock when you say that probably half the population was blood sucking lunatics."
Before I could stop myself, I burst out laughing.
"That's one word for them," I laughed, "But honestly you won't find them around here."
"Well, what about witches? Do they exist?"
I nodded, "There's a few covens in Scotland, but not many."
"Never seen one personally but Cuddy swears he has."
"They do exist but they live in their own worlds."
"Own worlds?"
"Aye, like portals that come from this world to theirs."
"Like hell?"
"No, not like hell."
"What about angels?"
"Couldn't say."
"Mmm, Valkyrie?"
"Really fun to party with."
She paused thinking for any more supernatural creatures.
"Santa Clause. Does Santa Clause exist?"
"Of course, met him myself."
Her eyes grew wide, "Really?"
"No," I chuckled winning a slap from her.
"You have to be serious," she told me.
"I thought I was," I chuckled, "Have you run out of creatures?"
"One more, what about unicorns?"
"Existed till Noah forgot to put them on his ark."
She slapped me again, "I told you to be serious."
"I am serious. Are you sayin' that you don't believe in Noah and his ark?"
She shrugged, "I didn't believe in anything till I met you. What about you, do you believe in God?"
I shrugged, "I never really thought about it. But by being what I am, I guess I have to, don't I?"
"You don't have to. You just have a wider knowledge that creatures, such as God, could exist."
"Either way, I don't think my evidence is very reliable."
She frowned, "what do you mean?"
"Well, for starters my parents."
"I thought your parents were killed."
"Exactly, if there was a God, creatures like Macangus wouldn't be alive."
"Or idiots that run red lights," she added.
I smiled sadly at her, cupping her cheek.
"I'm okay," she reassured me, "But what else?"
I sighed, trying to think of my other reasons.
"Malcolm. If there was a God then maybe he wouldn't have a wolf that rules him."
She frowned, "Why is that?"
I shrugged, "He shifted when he was thirteen. We had all shifted by then, even the twins. You normally learn to become one person with your wolf. You control yourself as well as the wolf. But Malcolm could never learn that."
"So, he's always stayed two."
I nodded, "Until the day Bonnie died and then he disowned his wolf."
She frowned, "What does that mean?"
"It means that apart from supernatural strength, hearin' speed, whatever, he's practically human. When I first caught you're scent in the forest or the first time I saw you naked, I felt my wolf inside of me. It's like another bein' inside of me."
"And Malcolm doesn't feel that."
I shook my head.
"Can he get it back?"
I shrugged, "If he reached out to his wolf again. But he won't. It hurts him too much."
She nodded, understanding.
I jumped when my bedroom door open and in a blink of an eye Liv shot underneath the covers.
"Hey Liv – Oh sorry," Allie said spying me in the bed, "Is Liv in here?"
"Under the covers," I told her.
Her eyes widen, "Oh my God, Brother. I'm so sorry."
When I realized what she thought, my mouth dropped.
"What, no Al, no –,"
"I'm so sorry, I'll only be a sec I promise."
I groaned, giving up on explaining that wasn't what she was doing.
"I just wanted to tell her that we're all goin' down to the river."
I frowned, "The river?"
"And who is all of you?"
"Archie, Graham, me, possibly you two."
"And when did you decide this?"
"At breakfast when you two were gettin' busy up here."
I shrugged. It was true.
"So are you comin' or what?" she asked.
"mmm, I think we'll pass," I answered.
"Wait, no we won't," Liv corrected, coming out of the covers.
"B-but that's not what I want to do today," I wined like a child, ignoring Allie's giggles by the door.
"I don't care. But are you sure that's what you want to. It's like, fourteen degrees outside."
Allie sighed and shook her head at her, "Oh Liv, so much to learn. How long are you goin' to be here?"
As Liv said, "Five minutes," I told her, "Fifteen."
We stared at each while Allie giggled at us.
"Okay, see you in five," she said shutting the door.
As soon as she was gone, I turned to Liv.
"Why did you agree?"
She shrugged, "I wanted to hang out with them."
"But there's so many other things we can do with our time," I groaned as Liv stumbled out of bed.
"There's no point arguing. It's happening and you're coming too."
"Did you honestly think I would leave you alone with my siblings? The three of them couldn't keep a guineapig alive even if they tried."
She giggled, searching through the draws for clothes.
Yep, the fight was defiantly lost.

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