"Are they really going to take a picture of that?" I muttered and Harry nodded his head, "Why?"

"So they know who I'm with." He smiled, and then a guy with a huge video camera walked up to us and he turned a button on, making a light on the side turn red, "That means he's recording it so they can broadcast it live on TV."

"Live?" I smiled and he nodded his head.

He jumped and chuckled at himself. "Someone is calling me," he pulled out his phone and walked over to the side, "Just stand there, they'll keep taking pictures. Sooner or later they'll start asking you questions." He smiled and put his phone up to his ear.

I did as he said and began to smile, just standing there with my hands on my hips. Then more people began to walk up to me and take more pictures.

A woman pap walked up to the front of the crowd and held a microphone, "Miss? You're Headmaster Styles' girlfriend? Am I correct?" I smiled. Everyone calls him that?

"Yes ma'am." I smiled again and she returned it.

"How does it feel to live with the richest man in the world?" she asked, taking a step closer to me.

"It feels..." I looked over to him and he was yelling at the person on the other side of the call, "It feels great. Honestly. But I'm not worried about his money. It's his love that I'm asking for. That's all I'm wanting."

More pictures were snapped and the woman smiled at me affectionately.

Then Harry walked up to me, anger clear on his face, and he just smiled at me and grabbed my hand in his.

"How about that kiss now?" The woman suggested, and before I could say anything, Harry turned my cheek and kissed me... Beautifully.

I put my hand on his forearm and smiled into the kiss. "Where did that come from?" I smiled when he pulled away.

"I was hoping they would tell me to kiss you because I wanted to kiss you so fucking bad." He grinned and we walked away from the backdrop.

"So who called you?" I asked as we slowly walked down the Red Carpet.

"Gina," he sighed and I raised my eyebrows, "She saw us on TV together and cussed me out. Can you believe her? And she still claims that I only love you for sex."

"Do you...?" I couldn't keep it in my mouth.

All of a sudden, he stopped walking and pulled me back, "Why would you even think that, Ana?" He put his hands on my cheeks and people began taking pictures of us, making me flush, "I love you for you. No one else. I love you for you. Anastasia." He placed a kiss on my lips and we continued to walk down the Red Carpet.

"Harry Styles," a man in black and a woman in a beautiful red dress walked up to us, "It's been too long." The man shook his hand, and his brown eyes were gorgeous. He had black hair and it was slicked back, and his jaw line was perfect.

"Zayn Malik." Harry smiled affectionately at the man, and surprisingly took him in for a hug, "It really has been too long."

"So what are you here for?" The man asked and Harry smiled.

"I'm now the richest man in the world." Harry smiled sheepishly and the man seemed astonished.

"Who's this?" The man asked and Harry smiled at me.

"This is Anastasia Greene. She's my girl. We've been together for a while, actually." Harry kissed my temple and the man shook my hand.

"I'm Zayn. It's nice to meet you." He smiled tenderly and I smiled back.

"It's nice to meet you. What are you here for, if I might ask?" I asked him and he smiled, wrapping his arm around the woman's waist.

"My fiance Perrie is in a girlband, and I'm a singer," he explained and my mouth dropped. A singer? "And you know Harry here can sing too."

I looked at Harry and he blushed, "Yeah, I know."

Then people began to call Zayn's name and he waved, "I have to go over there. Damn paparazzi. Anyways, will I see you at the after party Haz?"

"Of course, man." Harry smiled and Zayn clicked his tongue.

"Alright, it was good seeing you." He then walked away with his fiance.

"Great man, he is." Harry nodded his head and another man motioned for him, "Here, can you hold this right quick? I'm going to talk to this guy for a moment." He handed me his phone and I smiled when he kissed my cheek.

All of a sudden his phone started to vibrate and I looked down at the screen. It said Call from Penelope. How strange... I rolled my eyes and slid the red phone over, ignoring the call. Stupid bitch.

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