Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N: Hello, again.  I just realized it's time for an update! To be honest, I can't remember if this is edited or not.  I believe it is, and I am too tired to check.  Anyway, enjoy! :)


            It's late evening when I wake up, only to find myself alone in bed.  I sluggishly push to my feet and stumble over to the mirror.  As expected, my hair is a complete rat's nest, jetting out in every direction and tangling into an unfortunate knot behind my head.  A degree of puffiness remains from hours of crying, enough to give my eyes a swollen appearance.  Needless to say, I look like a train wreck; and the wrinkled clothes definitely are not helping.

            I peek my head into the hallway, checking for Elliot before clicking the door shut and locking it.  Then, I scurry through my drawers for some decent makeup and a hairbrush.  I don't do too much, just a touch of mascara and some chap stick.  After trying to rip through my tangled hair, I eventually give up and throw it into a ponytail.  I also decide to change into something slightly more presentable.  The purple tank top from when I first met Elliot and a pair of skinny jeans, which aren't cute enough for the amount of circulation damage they cause.

            I'm not sure why I'm going through the trouble of getting ready, especially since Elliot already saw me in this disastrous state.  To be honest, it's probably more for me than him.  He doesn't seem like the type to judge me for looking terrible, but I can't stand the idea of me looking so much worse than he does.  Even when I look my best, I still can't hold a candle to his good looks. 

            "Elliot?" I call, creeping into the hallway and glancing into the living room.  From what I can tell, my driveway is still empty.  Cassi and Mother are not yet home, but it doesn't appear that Elliot is here either. 

            When there's no response, I drag myself over to the couch.  I can't help but pout at his sudden disappearance.  He left without even saying goodbye.  This could mean a million different things, which obviously means I am going to sit here and think of each possible reason.  Maybe, he really wanted to stay, but he had to go back home because he's grounded.  Maybe, he didn't really think I needed him here, so he simply got bored and left.  Or maybe...maybe he realized he doesn't trust me after all and doesn't want to deal with my drama anymore.

            The panic starts welling in my chest; and with it, comes the floodgate of memories.  Dante Fisher pressing me against the wall, hissing slanders into my ear, locking my mouth against his.  I can almost feel his fingernails clawing against my wrist; and no matter how much I try, the haunting images don't seem to fade.


            The sudden voice causes me to scream.  My hands clutch my knees, and my neck turns fast enough to kink the muscles. 

            "Sorry, love.  Didn't mean to scare you."  Elliot stares at me, his blue eyes large with amusement. 

            I take a few deep breaths, releasing my taut grip before fully taking in his appearance.  His dark hair is tousled on one side, still mussed from our nap together.  The simple memory makes me blush, as does his gaze as his eyes flicker toward my purple top.  My stare slowly drifts from his face to his hands, which are filled with a small plate of eggs, bacon, and pancakes.

            "You're still here," I finally say, fighting a smile.  For some reason, this simple knowledge makes me happier than anything has in a while.  He isn't giving up on me.  He believes me.

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