Chapter 3

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Shane's POV
I was so tired after all of that shit happened i needed to go to bed. A few hours later, i heard lisa crying in the living room so i got up and walked to her slowly and said" l-lisa?, are you okay?"i said as i took step by step...
Lisa's POV
as i looked at the ring i noticed something in it, it had a name... But it wasn't mine... What does this mean? Is this how shane wanted to break the news? I then heard a voice, a familiar one that said" l-lisa?, are you okay?" I then turned around, my face filled with anger. I was disgusted.
Shane's POV
As I saw lisa's face, her face was pure red. I then asked" lisa, what's wrong? Why is your face red?". She then flew her hands in my face. It stinged alot and now i was really confused. I then got my range out and said" what the fuck was that for?!" I said confused. She then started yelling then said" what the fuck do you mean what was that for?!, is this how you break up with someone? If it is,you have a strange way of showing it!!!" She yelled. I was so confused at this time, i then asked" what?! What are you talkig about??". She then chuckled and said" have you seen the ring?!. It has another name on it!" She then pointed at the ring... Oh god! What did i do... I remeber now... I saw the same promise ring at the store yesterday... I'm such an idiot... Why didn't I check it before giving it to her. I then said" oh shit, i forgot, i saw the same promise ring at the store yesterday. I guess that the person that gave it to me handed it out by accident" I explained. She still didn't believed me. She then started yelling again and said" OH REALLY?! THEN WHY DIDNT YOU CHECK IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?!" She started tearing up. I hated seeing her cry it made me wanna hate myself.
Oh god... I should have stayed till the very end of the day before leaving... I cant believe i just lost my mission...
Lisa's POV
i was so furious at this point that i started balling. I hated crying infront of shane because i knew that he hated seeing me cry too, but i couldn't hold it anymore i then said" shane im sorry but.. If you wanted to emd it anyways... I understand... I knew you were suffering through this past 3 years of our lives... I think you should live your life... I think you need to find your self and be you and enjoy your journey... Shane you are so, extremely successful... I think you should enjoy that, instead of wasting your time with someone who cant even give you pure happiness in life... Shane , are you ready to let go?" As i said those 7 words, i started seeing him balling... I knew it was over... I guess i just ingnored it this whole time...
End of POV
Shane then started balling and balling and tried to explain to lisa this misunderstanding but she wouldn't budge. Lisa tried to get away from shane but shane just loved her too much that he couldn't let her go... He then hugged her as tight as possible and i guess lisa stopped fighting it and just embraced him aswell... She then pulled away and looked shane in the eyes and kissed him one last time.. Shane thought she forgave him but she just wanted to give a hug and kiss goodbye... Shane then started smiling but lisa wasn't. She then pulled away and said those  9 words..." Goodbye shane, i will always love you" and by those words shisa ended...

Going back to the past(A shisa fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now