Chapter 19

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- 7 months later -

New York

The clock struck 3 am and the streets were nothing but dark. The sky was dark and grey, little droplets of rain was falling on the concrete. This night was very different from all the nights, usually New York is a very busy city, the lights are always on, the streets and roads are always full of people, New York is usually very busy. But this night was nothing compared to the rest of the nights of New York. This night was dark, mysterious and scary.

"Any last wish ?" She whispered , her ears ghosting over the innocent boy's ears. He stayed quite , knowing the fact that he will die any moment. "Don't be afraid sweet heart, it will be not cause you any pain, you will feel good." She whispered and the boy nodded, she opened her mouth wide and attacked his neck with her fangs. She moaned as she kept on biting his neck. The boy screamed in pain. She pulled back and covered the boy's mouth with her palm. "Shh, we don't want any attention do we ?" She said and the boy shook his head, she pulled away her hand and attacked the boy's neck again, she kept on feeding until she was satisfied. She pulled away and the boy was already dead, the boy fell on the street and she smirked. "You were delicious." She said and walked away, her heels clicking, her perfect blonde hair wet due to the fact that now rain was pouring down. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand , her lips red because of the blood.

As she walked down the street she noticed that someone was following her, she looked behind her and she saw a shadow. She smirked and walked towards the shadow. "I knew you would follow me Mark." She said and Mark chuckled. "I cannot trust you at night time so I decided to follow, I saw you with that guy." Mark said as both of them walked down the street together. "He was innocent." Mark said and she snapped her head towards him, "Nobody is innocent !" She said through gritted teeth. "Woah calm down." Mark said and she rolled her eyes.

Both of them entered her house and she plopped down on the couch after kicking off her heels and her jacket. "He misses you..." Mark said and she raised an eyebrow. "Niall misses you." Mark said and she chuckled, "Stacy told him about me didn't she ?" She said and Mark nodded, he sat beside her. "How did he remember me ?" She asked and Mark sighed, "He just woke up and said your name, he did not even remember anything else, all he said was your name." Mark said and she nodded. "I have to go to the hills tomorrow so I better rest." She said and got up from the couch. As she was about to leave the living room, Mark stood up and said "I miss the old Taylor." Mark said and Taylor turned around and chuckled , "That old Taylor is long gone, I love the new Taylor anyway." Taylor said and walked away.

Sometimes a change is better.....


A//N : Hey guys ! I am so excited because this story is doing so well and you guys are so supportive ! I hope you guys liked the chapter ❤️


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