Author Spotlight: @AngusEcrivain

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Angus, you're pretty prolific, certainly when it comes to writing for us here at TK

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Angus, you're pretty prolific, certainly when it comes to writing for us here at TK. What's that all about?

Well anyone who knows me knows I love to write - I mean, that's why we're here, right? - and Tevun-Krus gives that opportunity to anyone who wants to grab it by the horns and violate it roughly from the rear.

Oddly though, I never intended to write for TK. After the release of the first issue I'm sorry to say that I lost my momentum some. In fact it wasn't until a few months later when my good friend parishsp shouted down my lug hole, "Oi! Angus! What the frak are you playing at, dude? TK has a shiteload of potential and you're just letting it stew in its own juices," or something like that anyways, I don't recall the exact conversation!

And then I really only started writing for TK to get things moving. SP and I had multiple conversations about where we saw the ezine going and where we wanted to be... Not quite a five year plan, but you get the point. Then I guess I kinda' couldn't stop, in fact I have to fight myself not to write for every issue - though it's fair to say I invariably contribute something each month, be it an article, review or my favoured short story!

If you had to select a favourite of all your TK submissions, which one would it be and why? Yes, I'm asking you to select your child!

'Alone in a Godless Universe and Out of Shake 'N Vac,' definitely... Sure I might have pinched the title of that piece from the mighty Red Dwarf but I don't think either Grant or Naylor would mind too much!

The reason it's my favourite is pretty simple, really. That's me. By that I mean the style of the piece, the 'humour,' although that is totally relative, of course! After all, one man's funny is another man's eulogy. But writing like that, particularly writing that short piece, comes so easily to me. I'm not entirely sure what that says about the state of the inside of my nogginbox, of course, though I think it's fair enough to say there's probably a sign somewhere in there, maybe situated upon a counter, stating, 'Back in 5 mins. Out to lunch.' Though I suspect the chances are that sign (that may or may not be there) has been there (if it is, indeed, there) for the past thirty-odd years!

Just take a look at 'Getting Stephen Laid,' and that'll tell you all you need to know!

What're your experiences writing Science Fiction outside of Tevun-Krus?

I'm a Sci-Fi writer. It was science fiction that started me writing, science fiction that I started off writing and science fiction that I'll write 'til, well... Y'know.

Half-Light, my second most popular story on Wattpad by reads - ZEDS (Season One) being the first - is pretty much what I want every Sci-Fi novel/show/movie to be; action-packed and bordering on the ludicrously insane. It deals with a multitude of sub-genres and mashes them together in ways that really, such things ought not be mashed. It works though, and I fucking love everything about that story. It's ongoing, too... In fact the most recent [insert number of chapters here because without looking I don't remember and I really can't be arsed to look right now] chapters were written over the course of three days as my entry to the 2015 3-Day Novel contest. 40K words or so. Not too shabby, really.

'Course my Sci-Fi writing doesn't stop there. Getting Stephen Laid, the Mars Inc. duology, The Day, Dream Girls, the Pearl of the Stars (soon to be, eventually) trilogy...

Basically, I fucking love to write Sci-Fi!

In your view, what is the best thing about Tevun-Krus?

Honestly, TK is fantastic. 'Course, being the co-founder - alongside the hugely talented PlanetaryFlex who really doesn't spend as much time 'round these parts as I'd like - I might be biased and I probably am. But the success of the ezine speaks for itself. We have several regular contributors and a whole lotta' people who submit an article, review or short story when their busy schedules permit them time to do so.

TK is going from strength to strength, too. Not only are more and more people getting involved, not only are we adding new features every few months, but in my view the quality of content just keeps on getting better and better. All you have to do is look over the most recent few issues and you'll see that's a fact!

I think the absolute #1 best thing about Tevun-Krus though, is that it always has, currently is and looks set to continue to open up Science Fiction - the best genre of all, let's be honest folks - to a wider and wider audience. We - as in the Royal We, Wattpad's Sci-Fi community - are still vastly behind some of the larger more popular genres on this site - partly due, I think, to people's inability to differentiate between fantasy (sometimes horror and paranormal, too) and science fiction.

We're catching up though, definitely, and I'd like to think that TK is playing a semi-pivotal role in that race. Will we ever get there? Will Sci-Fi ever be as popular with Wattpad readers as romance or some of those fuckawful fanfics? Probably not, but that doesn't mean we're not gonna' try!

And finally, what advice can you give to someone who might be looking to write within a massive variety of Sci-Fi sub-genres, just as you have done and, to be fair, continue to do?

It doesn't matter what you're writing. Whether you write Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Romance, Mystery... There's only one piece of advice you'll ever need and that, my friends, is this.

Write for yourself. Write the story you want to tell. Don't write something just 'cos someone says you should. Write your own story and do so to the very best of your ability and then next time, the very best of your ability will be a notch or two higher. Love what you write because if you don't, it'll be shite!

And, well yes... I realise that was far more than one piece of advice, but hey...

TK Special #1 - AngusEcrivain... Apparently He Writes Sci-Fi, Too!Where stories live. Discover now