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S: Son! Go to your room!

Saitama: But Da-- *whines* Mommmm!

S: No butts! Now stop complaining and go to your room! And... I still have to make my head shinier than yours!

Saitama: fine! *sighs*

S: Oh and, shave your arm pits! Its so hairy that it looks like a forest now!

A/N: Hi guys!😊 Okay so this is the first joke in here and I think I'm gonna change the name of the book because I will put jokes and puns in here.

And even though no one reads this😟... I will still update...

oh and s. Is my friends name... and he's a guy...


I used this as a joke and entertainment only! Please dont be mad at me 😯

(EDIT Agust 17, 2017)
I think I won't make jokes anymore (●  -  ●)...

THE BOOK OF NECRO-PUN-ICONHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin