Chapter 9

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2 months later ...

Nicki and Drake hadnt really spoke properly or had dates like before since the night he told her he was falling for her. She really had missed talking to him and they had only said hi here and there when they saw each other. He still protected her when ever he saw anyone attempting to bully her.

Nicki had , had enough of not talking to him. She really missed him and wanted to get back to talking to him. She was sat outside and decided to text him.

I'm outside and I really want to talk to you -Nicki

She waited a little before he finally replied.

K -Aubrey

With that she instantly knew that reaching through to him was going to be hard.

When he arrived he just went and stood by her.

Nicki: hi

Drake: hey

He was being quite stubborn and ignorant.

Nicki: sit down please

Her voice was all quiet and shy.

Drake: nah I'll stand

Nicki: brey please

He took a seat next to her.

Drake: what did you want to talk about

She stayed silent for a little. He then went to get up and she just held him down to stop him leaving

Nicki: I wanna talk brey

Drake: what about ?

Nicki: us. I hate not being able to talk to you just because you feel like I rejected you

Drake: well you did reject me

Nicki: no I didn't

Drake: so why didnt you at least reply to what I said to you

Nicki: I needed time

Drake: it's been two months. Two months I've had to live with the feeling of being rejected.

Nicki: I'm sorry but can you just please listen.

Drake: say what you wanna say

Nicki: I know these past two months have probably been awful for you but I just need to think. I need to prove to myself that you were safe. That you weren't just doing this as a dare or something.

She sighed.

Nicki: I know that now. I know that you're safe. I know that I can trust you.

She turned his head so she could have eye contact with him.

Nicki: I'm falling for you too. I really like you and have done since we started talking face to face. You're one of the only people in my life who never fail to make me happy even if I just see you walking down the corridor. I could never reject you brey. Not even if I tried.

He couldn't stop the smile that was on his face from appearing.

Drake: you mean that

Nicki: every word.

She smiled at him before she leaned in and have him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled, now showing his dimples. She got her stuff and stood up.

Nicki: I'll call you later

With that she got up and walked inside.


Nicki was now back at home sat on her bed doing her chemistry homework. She was almost done when her phone rang.

Nicki: hello

Drake: hey beautiful how are you

Nicki: good thanks but I thought I was gonna ring you.

Drake: oh did I interrupt you

Nicki: yes ! I had almost finished.

Drake: aw in sorry I could call later

Nicki: no it's fine I'll just do the homework while I talk to you

Drake: okay

Nicki: so what you doing

Drake: watching TV. On my laptop, just the usual

Nicki: you're so uneco-friendly.

Drake: that's not even a word

Nicki: it is in my dictionary

Drake: fair enough

They both chuckled a little. Drake then turned serious

Drake: nic

Nicki: yea

Drake: can u ask you something

Nicki: yeah what's up

Drake: what are we ?

Nicki: what do you mean

Drake: you know what I mean

She was quiet for a sec

Nicki: I don't know. If you want to take it further than friends that's up to you

It was now his turn to be silent.

Drake: nicki

Nicki: yeah

Drake: will you be my girlfriend

She was shocked with him question but she knew she should have been expectant of it. She didnt know how to reply but she knew what she wanted to reply.

Drake: I know I shouldn't have asked its too soon. I'm sorry I'll speak to you later.

With that he hung up. Nicki just chuckled to herself before texting him.

Yes 💕 -Nicki

What ? -Aubrey

Yes I will be your girlfriend 💕 -Nicki

:D x -Aubrey

She just laughed to herself and went back to texting him and not long after they shared a cute phone call...


5 comment please guys , thanks

Much Appreciated

_PaintedPyramids X

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