Chapter 3

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Nicki was walking down the corridor to her locker. It was lunchtime and no one was there, or so she thought. She turned a corner and saw her three worst nightmares walking towards her.

Drake: look who it is guys

Sean: aw cry baby geeky

Michael: you gonna go and cry to your mommy again

Nicki walked with her head down but they all surrounded her. The pushed her around before taking her books off her. They threw them all on the floor. Nicki also had her phone in hand. Sean pushed her towards drake who pushed her back and made her drop her phone.

Drake: so how's it going geeky. You still giving me the silent treatment.

Sean: she probably is

Nicki went to try and walk away but Michael stuck his foot out purposely and tripped her over.

Michael: oops. I'm sorry I didn't see you there

They all laughed.

Drake: come on guys lets go.

They all walked away laughing.

Nicki went and picked up her phone. Luckily it hadn't broken and only the battery had fell out. She went and started picking up her books. Just as she picked up her last book , the principal walked round the corner.

Principal: nicki

She put her hand on nickis shoulder and she flinched.

Principal: nicki are you okay

Nicki: yeah I'm fine. Just going to my locker

She once again gave a small smile and walked away. She put her books in her locker and went and sat outside.

She had bought a coat with her today so that she wasn't too cold. She went and sat out and got her book out. She was listening to music as she read. Her music came to a stop and he realised that she had an incoming call.

Nicki: hello

Aubrey: hey how are you

Nicki: urm fine

He hear the uneasiness in her voice.

Aubrey: are you okay where are you

Nicki: outside

She then realised that she had given up her whereabouts.

Aubrey: that's it I'm coming to find you

Nicki: no please don't. Just leave me be

Aubrey: it's okay. I won't hurt you.

Nicki: I don't know that

Aubrey: what do you mean ?

Nicki: never mind I'll call you later

With that she hung up and went to find a hidden corner outside. Her phone kept flashing I front of her as Aubrey called her continuously.

Nicki was now walking to go back inside when she saw drake stood by the door. They made eye contact for a split second before nicki walked quickly past him. She made her way to science class of which he would soon be joining her.


Nicki had to put up with drake, Sean, Michael and Dean throwing bits of scrunched up paper at her the whole lesson. The also kept on calling her name and whispering mean stuff about her.

Mr. Jones: so none of you can tell me the answer

The was no response from the class.

Mr. Jones: I guess I'll have to start picking on you. Drake what do you think the answer is

Two Different Worlds: A Dricki FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz