I'm Under The Covers

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Dan POV:
Phil and I used to cuddle all the time, platonically of course he is straight and I think I am. I can't help missing him though, his arms, his soft hair, I just miss having him next to me. 'God Dan just focus on editing' I think, mentally cursing myself for these thoughts when I hear Phil calling quietly. "Danielllll" I can hear the smile on his voice, I get up and go into his room but he isn't in there. "Phil? Where are you?" I say, then I hear the giggles from his bed and see his breath under the covers. "Come and find me Danny" he giggles and pokes his head up, I tackle him on the bed and laugh. "You silly boy" I say, I sit on the bed on top of the covers. "Danny come cuddle with me" Phil whines, my heart and stomach blend in my chest. I start to get under the covers when I notice that Phil isn't wearing anything but underwear. I blush instantly, "Danny take off your shirt it's too hot for that" Phil says, he sounds like a little child who knows that he will get what he wants. I comply and lay next to him waiting for him to turn over but he wraps himself around me and almost instantly I hear his sleepy little breaths. I giggle inwardly, he is such a little boy sometimes.
              ~One Hour Later~

Dan POV:
I wake up to see Phils black hair all around my face, I can't help but laugh out loud and that wakes up the little sunshine. Phil rolls over but since he is attached to me he just ends up laying on my chest.

Phils POV:

I slowly open my eyes not wanting my dream to end when I smell Dan, not in a creepy way, Dan has a special sweet smell. He smells of cedarwood, carmel, coffee and coldness, I raise my head quickly just to see his lacey orbs staring back at me. I just do it, what I meant to do as soon as he came in, I press my lips to his almost flinching not wanting him to hit me but he presses back.

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