a little announcement

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Hi guys! Oh wow! This author note has been delayed unexpectedly. I'm not entirely sure if I need to apologise for that but I mean, this is still just an author note. It's not like it contained smut--
Nah, I'm kidding! I'm sorry this took me a while because on the contrary of what I said, this does lead to smut because Cuffed is all about it.

This is where I should start and warn you guys, do not get it your hopes too high. This is not a second part of the story. Not yet, at least. I know I have been teasing you guys about a little side project in regards to this oneshot. I have finished it and I'm more than excited to share it with you guys! In fact, it is being edited as I write this. However, I think I need to do some explanation in regards to this "side project".

When I first had this idea together with my beta to write Cuffed, I didn't think I would write a second part or continue anything from the initial oneshot. The objective for Cuffed was simple; smutty and plotless. But since I have published this a couple of month ago (probably January) I never thought it would be so well-received by you guys. I'm so happy and pleasantly surprised by the response given and you guys really have inspired me to do more.

Hence, this "side project" have been brewing for a bit and it has finally materialised. But be warned, you guys may think it's boring because guess what? This oneshot is entirely the same, but with a change of POV. Yes, this is exactly what I said, the story is entirely the same, only now it is written in Troye's POV.

I know, I know. I know you're thinking like What? Why are you wasting my time? It's the same thing! But bear with me, will you? I've always been obsessed with the idea of reading/writing a story from two different POVs and it posed a certain challenge for me to produce something new out of something that has been written before. To be honest, it has been a couple of months between when I write Cuffed in Tyler's POV and in Troye's POV so, my writing may have been slightly different. But all in all, it was so much fun! I really enjoyed producing this and I hope you guys will too, reading it, I mean. Hehe.

So, thank you if you are one of the people who has given me the encouragement and inspiration to do this and also, thank you for being so kind and patient with me. Much love to you! 🙆🏻💕😊

ps: sneaky peeky will be published soon. 😁


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