I roll my eyes at his stupid attitude and continue partly because of what he said and partly because I had to get this over with.

"There's this guy..."

"There's always a guy," Travis takes another sickly long sip.

"OH MY GOD! Stop being annoying and just LISTEN!"

"Okay okay, sheesh woman. Old Woman. No, big. Fat. Old. Woman." He smirks.



"His name is Lance Spink and-"

"What does he look like?"

"Um he got this really nice auburn hair and he's taller than me- alot. He has dark green eyes and he's tan..." I try my best to describe him because I'm really good in describing people. Even if I only saw them once.

"Sounds like you like him already," Travis says, half protectively and half annoyed.

"Hey I can't be with you forever!" I groan at his childishness. "I'm just a friend of yours, not your girlfriend. I can go ahead and live my life to the fullest, okay?"

"Geez, why are you being so mean to me today?" he pouts. Travis' dark blue eyes almost looks like black, but filled in with friendly anger. His dyed blonde hair hovers above his eye in a sexy motion, if you like that type of stuff. Which I don't-- not yet, anyways.

I sigh and ruffle his hair over the table in a friendly way. I love touching his hair- it's so soft and silky!

Now, just out of curiosity I am now wondering how Lance's hair feels like. His hair's very shiny and I really want to touch it!

"I was kidding," he giggles and looks me in the eye. "I have a girlfriend."

"Oh my gosh! You do!?" I gasp. "Who is she? What is her name? How does she look like? Did you guys kiss yet? Did you do anything more? Did you go on dates? First of all, WHEN DID YOU GUYS EVEN MEET?"

"Holy cow, Crystal! Why are you showering me with stupid questions!" Travis smiles and blushes a bit with some of my embarrassing questions. Well I understand because I would do the same if I was with Lance.


Did I just think of being with Lance?!

Hum yeah, girly get rid of that thought because when Lance finds out you have a minor crush on him since your first meeting...

"It's not stupid questions. IT'S ABOUT YOU AND YOUR MYSTERIOUS GIRLFRIEND!" I grin at him and swipe my bangs to the side.

"Let me shower you with questions, then," he grins mischievously. "When and where did you and Lance meet? Is he hot? Sexy? You like him? Do you? Do you? Do you? Does he have a girlfriend? Does he have a crush? Did you guys ever talk? Does your heart go crazy when you're near him? Oh by the way, you hair grew!"

Fudge sticks. With extra extra extra chocolate. They're really good, by the way.

Just hearing his name made my face heat up and before I know it, I'm already blushing. I bite my lip nervously. "Stop it, Trav," I groan at him. He's the one who makes me blush after his questions for no apparent reason!

"Aw, this is so cute! Little itty bitty Crystal is blushing after hearing the boy's name!" He chuckles.

"Shut up," I try to scowl at him, but I'm too embarrassed. I can't make my muscles in my cheeks move downward. OH, you stupid muscles why don't you work when I need you to. My brain is commanding you to do so, so why can't you ever listen!

"I wanna meet this lucky kid," Travis suddenly says.

"Yeah, he hates people," I wince.

    "I don't care."

    "He hates everyone."

    "I don't care."

    "He will hate you..."

    "I don't care..."

"What the bloody hell, Travis?! I told you he will hate you! You'll probably be crying by the time you step inside the stupid restaurant!" I whisper-scream at him.

"I don't care," he sings. "I'm gonna pay you two a visit."

"You mean you're gonna pay the restaurant a visit."

"Same thing."

"Ha, too bad you don't know the name of the restaurant" I stick out my tongue at him teasingly.

"You do not know how much I hate you," he says, pressing his lips together.

"Same, Travis. Same."

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