Chapter 19: Don't Be Afraid of Your Own Shadow, Just Someone Else's

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Kage!" I yelled, grabbing her neck. "I know you're in there! Are you the traitor? Did Kali send you to kill me?"

"Kali? Oh, her. I used to work for her, if that's what you mean!" Hazu's hair turned black, along with her arms and legs, her face became shock white and her eyes filled with black. Then, two horns erupted from her head and a devil-like tail grew from her back and her fingers turned metallic and sharpened to blades. Her appearance kept morphing between this new demon and Hazu's face.

"Kali turned me into a living experiment: Half shadow creature, half Scale Child. I was the most powerful soldier in her army, as I didn't operate with the hive mind that regular Shadow Creatures have. And when the slime that excreted from her and gained consciousness—or her son, whichever you prefer—couldn't live up to her name, I took his place. But then I met Lucian; I was supposed to kill him, but I wanted him. He was mine. So when the little girl offered her body, I took it. That way, it would be easier to get Luc to fall for me. Kali didn't like that, obviously, so she disowned me. However, I didn't mind; I would protect Luc from anyone that would want to hurt him or take him away from me, and that includes less-than-worthless scum like you!"

As she took the flower from her hair and turned it into a scythe I mentally congratulated myself on still not yet having a weapon to fight back with. On my way to the drawer that had the pills, I was forced to dodge all of her swipes with the massive blade, since I didn't have the time to deal with it. I had to try and find those pills and deal with Kage's killer fury. When I finally reached the drawers, I flung it open, but to my utter dismay, I didn't find anything. I cursed to myself; I didn't have the time to be looking through multiple drawers.

In frustration, I let a ball of fire fly from my palm towards Hazu's scythe. I heard Kage's shriek as the weapon turned into a pile of ash. Kage's true form solidified for about five seconds. "Looks like I'll have to kill the Prince with my own bare hands! What a treat!" I watched as Hazu's form flickered into existence. Her arm was glowing with a green light. She traced the mark, and was immediately surrounded by the plants around her. Once she emerged from them, her hair had grown a bit longer, with two flowering, tree-like horns atop of her head. Two white wings were on her back and a white tail was flicking back and forth. A beautiful pattern of white scales covered her arms like gloves. She smiled at me maliciously as an elegant dress formed around her body. Even though she looked beautiful, everything about her stance was telling me that she wanted to fight.

I couldn't fight her in Scale form, since I had exhausted a lot of my Ena while I was training with Hazu. I needed to find Hazu's medication, and quickly. Maybe if I distracted Kage by talking to her, that would give me enough time to look for the pills.

"I don't see why we have to fight, Kage." I said, pulling the second drawer open from behind me, not breaking eye contact with my possessed roommate. "I mean, Luc wouldn't want a girl like me anyways. I'm absolutely nothing compared to you."

"But that's just the thing!" Kage exclaimed. "Luc shouldn't want a girl like you. You must be using that Dragon Soul magic of yours to trick him into falling in love with you!"

I dodged one of Kage's punches and laughed. "Are you kidding?! You're giving me way too much credit! I only know the basics of Sky, Life and Fire magic. How could I have used such limited ability to make him fall in love with me?"

"Because you're pretty! Because he doesn't look at you like you're a damned monster!" I dodged a few more desperate attacks from the Shadow Creature. "Because he actually thinks you're a normal scale child! Because he can actually tolerate your presence! Because he doesn't even know that I exist! But, he will acknowledge my existence. He, will have, to acknowledge my existence. Once you are finally dead, he will have no one else but me to go to. Since he will be so, very sad at your, 'tragic, accident', I, will come right in, and be there for him. And from now on, I, will ALWAYS be there! Right at his side! NOT FREAKING YOU!!!"

As her swings got more and more distraught that she couldn't hit me, I felt sorry for Kage. I really did. She was so deeply in love with someone she could never have, and it was driving her insane. Especially now, that she is slowly realizing that I outclass her, because of my more stable mind. And even after what I did after that, my guilt still remained.

Once I found what I knew was the pill bottle, I grabbed two capsules, then formed two lines in the air after completing the Sky stance. I quickly tied Kage's arms behind her back and then did the same to her legs. Once I placed the pills in her mouth as she screamed in protest and forced her jaws closed I rubbed her throat until she swallowed. Her head and eyes drooped, and her body remained motionless for a while.

"Hazu?" I tried. "Hazu, can you hear me?"

Hazu groaned in response.

"Hazu, please open your eyes." I begged. "Please wake up so I can tell if you're alive or not."

Hazu's eyes blinked open. "Ohime-sama?"


Hazu blushed as I untied the ropes that I had used to constrain her. She fell to the floor, bowing as she profusely apologized. I sighed and shook my head.

"No." I said. "I'm not going to forgive you, Hazu."

Hazu's eyes widened in disbelief. "B-But why not? I am truly sorry for what I did! It wasn't my fault, I didn't want to hurt you! S-She made me do it!"

"And that is why I'm not forgiving you." I said. "There's nothing to forgive. It was Kage's fault that you attacked me, not your own. You didn't do anything wrong.'

Hazu cocked her head. " have a funny way of telling me that 'it's okay'." She yawned and grabbed a nightgown, walking into the bathroom.

I sat down on my bed and pulled out the dragon onesie that Hazu had made for me. I took off my clothes and changed into it. I needed to find a way to help the Japanese girl, too. I was relieved she wasn't the traitor, but she was way too broken for me to just stop worrying about her altogether. I saw a lot of myself reflected in Hazu; she was willing to sacrifice herself for the greater good of other people, while at the same time, not caring if that meant she would get hurt in the long run.

I buried my face in my pillow and screamed. I had to save everyone, but how could I? Why did I care so much? Because that is who I am. I care for the weak and look after them. I wanted more than anything to make a difference in the world. It would kill me if I couldn't.

I eventually drifted to sleep while thinking about everybody I had met so far.

You guys have done it. 1.1K reads and 141 votes. On top of that, 89 comments. So I'll stay true to my word. I'll either do an interview with questions you guys ask me, a face reveal, or (and I just thought of this one) I'll open an ask me book for all of the characters. You can ask questions to the characters of Burning Hope, and I'll have them respond. I love you guys so much. You really fill an author with pride and joy to know that she has created something that is enjoyed by all of you guys. I'm touched. Thank you. 

I also apologize for the late update. I've been so busy lately that I haven't been able to type up anything in the classes I rely on to upload this stuff. I don't know how often I'll be updating during the summer, but I shall try to make it as often as possible. It's worth it for you guys.

Also, last note, WE'VE REACHED #814 IN FANTASY!!!!!!! 

Signing Off, Kiera Savage 

Burning Hopeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें