First meeting with Star Butterfly

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Marco yawned and stretched his wings and looked outside. For as long as he could remember he has asked his parents why did only he have wings, a tail & sleep upside down and his parents said 'we sealed our abilities to fit in better but when we had you we knew we couldn't ask you to do the same, so we only tort you the spell that temporary locks your abilities so you can go to school and not be picked on for your looks.'

Marco walked to the bathroom and muttered the spell that he now knew by heart. "Thy wuken Marco butan shu fosta." he watched as his wings and tail faded then disappeared, Marco sighed as his body felt awkward without his extra appendages but he no longer swayed as he walked. Thankfully that stop just before he started high school. Marco started his morning routing and then his mum called up saying that breakfast was ready. "I'll be down soon." he replied while bushed his hair.

When Marco entered the kitchen. "I've made your favourite." Angie said with a smile. "thanks mum." Marco said as he tucked into his food, Angie and Rafael's smiles grew when they heard Marco purring as he ate. When he was finished Marco took his plate out and rinsed it. "see you after school." Marco said as he picked up his bag and headed for the bus.

~~~~~~ on Mewni ~~~~~~

"oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Today's the day. I get to have the royal magic wand!" said a certain blonde haired princess as she did a double backflip off the stairs. She made her way to the throne room but not before jumping on a wild unicorn's back. "Now Star, you must not let this wand fall into the hands of the forces of evil." Queen Butterfly said as she reluctantly handed over the wand to Star, who was bouncing on the balls of her feet. "Don't worry mum, I totally got this." Star said with a calm tone.

(Minutes later)

The castle and the surrounding town was on fire because Star had somehow made a flaming rainbow appear. The Queen & King looked at each other. "She can't handle it." They said at the same time.

(A little while later)

"Noooooo, please don't send me to St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses." Star begged. "Sweetheart, we're not sending you there...." the king said before he was cut off by his wife. "Yet!" She said as she tried to get Star into the carriage. "We're sending you to train in a safer dimension, called Earth!" The king said as he got into the carriage. "Earth?!" Star asked tilting her head. "Manfred, open the portal." The king said, said servant took out the dimensional scissors and cut the fabric of reality. after making the rip big enough for the carriage he stepped aside and bowed.

~~~~~~ on earth ~~~~~~

"What you are telling me is that you're from another dimension? Yeah..... this is not going to work." Principal Skeeves said with a board look on his face. The king & queen sighed and pulled out a chest full of gold and jewels. "She's going to love it here!" Skeeves said as he eyed the chest. "Good, Star will be needing a guide." The king said before handing the chest over.

The PA blared. "Marco Diaz to the principal's office." The principal said before turning the PA off. Marco shrugged and walked out of the classroom, as he left a few of the students whispered.

'why would Skeeves call him out?' 'It's not like he brakes the rules, he just sits there and does the work.'

Marco entered the office. "You called." Marco said in his usual flat tone. "Y-yes I want you to meet our new foreign exchange student, Star Butterfly." Skeeves said as he pointed to Star. "You want me to give her a tour or something?" Marco asked and the principal nodded. "Fine but I'm going to need payment first." He said as he saw the chest of gold. "Okay but what." Skeeves asked. "I'll take only two things from that chest you have there." Marco said to the principal. "N-no!" Skeeves said to Marco. "No? Are you sure?" Marco ask as his red eyes started to glow. "F-fine but only two things." Skeeves said. "Since when have I've gone back on my word? I will only take two things and then I'll give her a tour." Marco said with smile and walked over to the chest, he made a slight purring sound as looked through the gold. Finally Marco found two things that he wanted, one was a necklace with a garnet pendent which he will give to his mother and the other was a simple gemstone but Marco felt like it had some kind of power. "thanks for the payment." Marco said before leaving. "You coming new kid?" Marco asked as he held the door open so Star could leave.

"I didn't Earth people purred!" Star said with the  sparkle in her eyes. "Oh no, humans don't usually purr. It's just something I do when I'm happy." Marco said as he showed Star around the school. 

"..... and that's why you should never eat a the cafeteria on Thursdays." Marco said as he wrapped up the tour. "It's 20 minutes before home time so ...... I guess this is good bye until tomorrow." Marco said while walking to his locker. "Okay see you tomorrow." Star said before creating a rainbow that then court a flame, seeing that Marco started to pick up speed and headed home.

(At home)

"I'm home!" Marco said but before he could return to his normal form his mother hugged him. "Marco, come meet the exchange student that will be living with us." Angie said with a look that said 'sorry but you'll have stay in this form until you go to bed'. He nodded and headed to the kitchen, Raefel was talking to Star about the time nearly set the house on while trying to cook breakfast for him & Angie. "I was 7 and I didn't know you could burn food in the microwave." Marco said with a slight blush while at the fridge. "Marco you live here? I thought everyone on Earth had Diaz as their last name." Star exclaimed as she hugged him then went back to her seat. "Hey Star, if you are going to live here there's one really important rule you have to follow." Marco said as he got the jug of orange juice out of the fridge. "What is it?" Star asked while on the edge of her seat. "The rule is that you can't enter my room without knocking and not to enter after 10pm." Marco said while getting a glass down so he could have some juice. "Seems easy enough." She said. "Good. After this I'll show you to your room." Marco said as he sipped his juice.

"Oh mum I got this for you." He said as he pulled out the necklace he got from the chest out of his pocket and walked over to Angie to put it on her. "Oh Marco that's so sweet." Angie said as he placed it on her neck, Marco started purring as he stepped back and admired the necklace's beauty. "It looks better than I thought it would." Marco said before he was pounced apron by Star. "Aw, you're purring again. You're just like a big cat in human form." She said rubbing her cheek against his. "Yeah, even the fact that he dislikes dogs." Angie said with a slight chuckle. "Mum....It's not my fault, that dog was bigger than me at the time." Marco said while blushing. "Anyway, I'll help you take your stuff up to your room." He said as he picked up what looked like a huge sea chest. Star followed Marco to her room. "I can work with this. Magical room expansion." And with that the room turned into a tower. "Wow! I wish my room was like this." Marco said as he placed the chest down next to Star's bed. "You do?" Star asked before running to Marco's room and saying "Magical room suck!"

They stood at the door as a black hole appeared in the middle of the room. "Suck? Why did you say suck?" Marco said while trying not to be angry with Star. "I'm sorry it just came out." Star said as she watched Marco walked to wards the window. "I need to be alone for a while. Can you please tell my parents that I'll be back by dinner." And with that Marco did a backflip out of the window and headed to his quite spot.

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