Chapter 4

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High school reunion! I hope I see all of my old friends cause thats like the only reason I came and free food! Its a fancy thing but I'll just wear a plaid shirt, TMNT undershirt, jeans and boots. Yup I'm the greatest fashionista.

==÷÷×Time Skip to the reunion×÷÷==

I arrive and the first people I see are Laurance and some blonde dude I cautiously walk up to them cause I haven't seen Laurance 6 years(and the fact that I used to have a crush on him). "Umm h-hi" I say softly hoping no one heard "Oh hi Hope" Laurance said h-he remembers me he was chuckling I gave him a confused look and he said "I see you havent changed" jestering to my outfit I suddenly felt insecure. Wow he looks good in a tux Hope shut up that was long ago. Then Mr.Chad yelled in his overexcited voice of his "Students a singing competition and everyone has to sing!" half of the gym cheered the other other half was whining or silent. Then this black haired guy who looks goth said "Lets get this over with" and started singing Killer by The Ready Set

Then this white haired guy who looks at the goth dude while singing Back to Back by The Ready Set

Then Laurance sang The Best Day of my Life while looking at..blonde dude?

3 songs in one story that must a record. Well anyways Hope is the OC of Shadow_Blade_711 go check her out and PEACE!!

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