And even though Louis was reluctant to accept the fact that his best mate was changing, he eventually warmed to Claire. However, with the whole episode with Carlotta, I knew Louis didn't trust her anymore. He lost all respect to her once she "betrayed" them, even though I knew perfectly well that she had no choice. But the boys were strict on betrayal and vowed nothing but their loyalty to one another; yes, they did cross other people, but they never crossed one another. It was like a kinship sworn between all of them, an accepted oath.

But even Louis pitied Claire when he saw how furious Harry was. He didn't like seeing his best friend so upset-knowing that underneath that fury was hurt and pain that came along with being betrayed. So even though Louis was angry with Claire for unintentionally hurting Harry, he still, above all, pitied her.

I followed right behind Louis as we began making our way out of the apartment. I really didn't want to go to Gemma's, but honestly, where else could we go? I just felt terrible because Lottie was so young and innocent, and here we were, with blood all over us and desperate in need of somewhere to go.

I guess you could say that the only factor in this that made me leave was the fact that Louis had to operate on Claire as soon as possible.

And we needed a stable environment for that, of course.

"All we have to do is get the bullet out," Louis told me. "She's not going to die, El. Don't worry, okay?" I felt his eyes on me, but I could feel the tears coming down my face.

I killed a man.

My best friend was unconscious with a bullet in her leg.

"Am I a bad person?" I choked out when I couldn't take it anymore. I looked helplessly at Louis, who instantly dropped the bags and gathered me into his arms. Everyone passed by us, shuffling down the hallway, and I buried my face in Louis's chest.

"No, you're not a bad person." Louis murmured gently. "You're strong, Eleanor. You're very strong."

"B-but I killed him."

"He was trying to kill Claire. I knew it was a wrong move, to let him into our apartment." Louis replied, pulling away to smile warmly down at me. "Don't cry, baby, okay? I think it was bad ass what you did."

I let out a chuckle-I didn't find this at all humorous, but it was one of those situations where all I could do was chuckle.

"You did?" I whispered.

"Everyone thinks you're weak," Louis replied. "They think you have no backbone." I was silent as he said this. "Hell, you even think you're weak, don't you?" His voice was hushed and hurried. I knew we had to get out as soon as possible, but still, he was taking his time to tell me this.

"You think so lowly of yourself," Louis said matter-of-factly, and I silently agreed with him, unconsciously touching the scar on my face. His fingers grabbed mine, pulling them away, and his blue eyes didn't once look at the scar. They were focused on my eyes. "But you're one of the bravest, most beautiful girl I have ever met."

"I am?" I beamed under his compliment, a warm feeling bubbling in my stomach despite the horrible situation.

Louis nodded and picked up the bags, his lips spread into a proud smile. "Yes, you really are. And don't you forget it. Now come on-let's get the fuck out of here." He held out his arm, and I wrapped my hands around his forearm, staying close to him as we walked briskly out the hallway. Luckily we passed by nobody, and the hallways were eerily silent, the sound of the patter of rain loud.

Louis chuckled, catching my attention as we descended down a short flight of stairs. "I never knew you could shoot a gun."

"I didn't know how." I confessed, wiping at my damp eyes with my free hand. "I just...did it."

Unstable (Sequel to Twisted)Where stories live. Discover now