You Will Be The Death of Me ( Draco Malfoy Fanfiction) Ch 35

Comenzar desde el principio

I open my eyes, "What are you doing, I thought you wanted a kiss?" I ask him feeling slightly hurt by his rejection.

"Yeah I do," he replies, "But I'm not kissing you when you look like you stuck your face into a bucket of chocolate."

"Ohhh... that would be cool, I would love to stick my face in chocolate," I say as my eyes get wide with the idea.

He shakes his head at me, "So immature," he breathes as he pulls his sleeve down over his hand and uses it to wipe the chocolate off my mouth.


"Welcome, now I want that kiss," he replies.

I grab the front of his sweater and pull him into a kiss.

When I let him go and he pulls away he licks his lips, "Mmmm... dark chocolate."

I couldn't help but laugh, "Come here you idiot," I say as I lean back in for another kiss.


The rest of the time at Hogsmeade I spent with Draco, and eating my candy. And unfortunetly, I did finish it all before we left.

Later, us girls had made straight to our rooms so that we could get ready for the dance. I was so excited; this was my first real dance. I didn't know what to expect. As the time crept closer, I was growing more and more anxious.

"Oww..." I cry out in pain, knocking myself out of my thoughts, "You're hurting me," I add feeling tears form in my eyes.

Draco better be happy, I wouldn't be going through this pain if it wasn't for him.

"Easy," I say swatting Hermione's hands away.

"You need to hold still Leianna," she states, "I can't fix your hair when you're moving so much."

"You're pulling," I mumble.

"Well I have to pull it a little to get it to style," she explains.

I roll my eyes and fight back tears, I was every tender headed and what she was doing was complete torture.

"I am you big baby," she replies glancing up from my hair to meet my eyes through the mirror.

I stick my tongue out at her and she does the same.

After five more minutes of her yanking, pulling, and styling my hair she was finally finished.

"So what do you think?" she asks me stepping away.

I look into the mirror while moving my head so I can see it from the side and the front.

"It looks beautiful, I'm glad the pain paid off."

She had pulled it up high with my curls falling all around my face. I had never had my hair to look so nice.

I stand up and hug her, "Thank you."

"It's the least I could do, since you bought this," she replies while picking up the fabric of her dress.

"You look stunning Hermione," I tell her as I take in her appearance, "Ron will love it."

My last words cause her eyes to widen, "What did you say?"

"Don't pretend like you don't like him," I tell her, "I see how you look at him when he isn't paying attetnion."

She doesn't deny but a sad looks crosses her face, "He only see's me as a friend."

"I don't believe that," I argue.

"Really?" she asks looking hopeful.

"Really, just wait till he sees you in that," I tell her making her smile.

"Wait till Draco sees you," she replies, "He will be amazed."

I couldn't help but blush. Truth was I was nervous about him seeing me.

"You ready to go down?"

"I guess, are you?"

She nods, "Yes, let's go."

I link my arm with hers and we make our way down the stairs towards the dance.


I was nervous as we entered the dance room. I tighten my grip on Hermione's arms and she reaches over and does the same to me.

There were so many people. Some where standing off to the side, others were on the dance floor. I couldn't locate Draco in the crowd.

"Do you see Draco?" I ask Hermione.

She scans the crowd, "No I don't."

I keep looking and I spot Harry and Ron by the punch bowl.

"Over there is Ron," I tell her, "Why don't you go over there and say hello to him and Harry."

She looks at me nervously but let's my arms go. She walks over towards the table and I watch as Ron notices her. His eyes widen but he quickly hides it by taking a drink from his cup.

"They are so going to end up together," someone says from behind me.

I jump from be startled and turn, "Draco, this has to stop. You can't keep scaring me like that."

"I couldn't help it," he replies. He then looks me over, "You look beautiful." He wraps his arms around my waist.

"You don't look so bad yourself," I reply smiling at him.

"Do you want to dance?"

"You know I'm not a good dancer," I state.

"Don't worry, if you step on my feet I will try not to yell too loud."

I couldn't help but laugh. He then leads me to the dance floor just as a slow song came on.

He pulls me close to him and I rest my head on his shoulder. He inclines his head so that it was laid against mine.

I felt everyone else in the room disappear and it was only us. I felt safe and secure being in his arms.

He lets my hand go and wraps it around my waist and I link my hands around his neck and close my eyes.

He kisses my neck softly and I felt as if I was floating.

"Leianna," I hear him whisper.

"Hmmm," I say dreamily with my eyes still closed.

"I love you," he says.

I almost falter, it was completely unexpected.

I lift my head from his shoulder to look up at him.

He apparently had his eyes closed like mine because they slowly opened.

I lean up and kiss his lips, "I love you too Draco."

I knew that now. I knew he was the one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. I didn't care what other people thought, they didn't matter. All that mattered to me was Draco.

That's when I made an important and hopefully not reckless decision.

I drop my hands from his neck and reach behind. I undo his hands from my waist and take them in mine.

I then start pulling him away from the dance floor.

"Where are we going?" he asks me as I lead him towards the exit.

"Somewhere to be alone."

I loved him, and now I wanted to prove it to him.


You Will Be The Death of Me ( Draco Malfoy Fanfiction) Part OneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora