Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to all the people that lost their lives in 9/11

So I would feel horrible if i didn't mention the horribly catastrophic event that is and was 9/11 If you don't know what it is, in 2001 two planes crashed into the world trade centers, or the twin towers, and caught fire, causing the metal beams holding up the buildings collapsed.... causing thousands of lives to be lost and affected, I just don't understand what the purpose of taking thousands of lives... why? why would you be so... so... sick? I just.... I was one when it happened and... I... I don't think i would have been able to live without my daddy, Larry, who taught me alot of the stuff i know... I... wouldn't be able to... grow up without him... he is... I just want to say thank you to all of those who die... not just then but daily, to keep us safe, free, happy It breaks my heart when i think about someone being sick enough to do something like that... RIP those who died, thank you, so much, I wish it wouldn't have happened... 

So guys please listen to the song on the side, thats my tribute to those who died... I didn't sing it but this song... shows the difference made in lives... 

thank you guys



********Isabelle POV******

"ugh glad that's over!" I plopped down onto my bed, wishing i wouldn't have chosen modeling as a career... i can still change it 

I thought about the possible careers i could consider... feeling myself drift off to sleep, Gosh i'm tired

*****5 minutes later******

I was awoken by Niall and Lila poking their heads into my room, looking panicked, 

"hey guys whats wrong?" they ran to me and hugged me really tight one on each side and blubbered uncontrollably, 

"okay,I can't understand what you guys are saying, lila what's wrong?" 


"what about him?"

"H-He is gone!" I jumped up, noticing i had a message on my phone

*If you want your boyfriend to live you'll meet me at 9 o' clock tonight, the alley behind mcdonalds, we'll make a little trade ;) *

i looked at the time, 8:30 I have to go if I'm going to make it...

"Lila, Niall, I want you guys to know that i love you very much okay?now go to bed" they ran off to their rooms, and I assume they went to sleep, hope so, I popped into Lizzie's room, seeing her asleep, her brown hair spread across her purple pillow, I poked my head into mum and dad's room, seeing them asleep, cuddling, cute! 

Dear everyone, 

I love you, Marcus is in danger, I need to help him, he could die, I am meeting someone at 9 o colck, wearing ym ninja outfit , I am bringing my bear ring, look for that if it turns into a investigation, I love you all, Lizzie, I'm sorry to break up the dynamic duo, We'll be reunited one day <3



I walked out the door, locking it behind me, looking back at the house, I don't know when i'll return, maybe never

"I love you guys" I blew a kiss to the house, hoping I will return, one day.

**Marcus POV***

"You little fuck! 

He, or she, i'm not quite sure yet, kicked me in the gut, one more to the hundreds i will have by the time i die, from the pain

"Where is she?!" 

"I would die before telling you" 

"fine then, you don't mind me doing this!" the person kicked me in the nose, surely breaking it, and looked at the time, its 8:30, I hope Izzy doesn't come...

I could just die from the pain right now 

**Isabelle POV****

I got there at five minutes till 9, giving me time to hide in the shadows to create a plan , I can blend into the shadows in my black skinnies, black shoes, and black shirt

I slinked against the wall, blending in nicely, just as a blue van pulled in, a person, in a hat pulled low on their face, looked around, scanning the shadows before lighting a cigarette, I crinkled my nose, poor Marcus, being with this person, I Looked around realizing that If he sees me, i'm trapped, I tried to slink silently towards the alleyway entrance, hoping i could look like i just arrived, I slinked to the end and around the corner and walked back ino the alley like I had just arrived, hoping they would think i did... sucess the person perked up and looked at me like i was fresh meat

"well well well, look who decided to show, princess tomlinson" the person sneered...

"Haha yeah princess, whatever you say where is marcus?" 

"you're not getting him any time soon sweetie" 

I then felt a cloth go over my nose, Instantly calming me and putting me to sleep, 

***Marcus POV****


The voice squealed, nudging me as it does so, i just want to die, Then i heard the door slam and something, no, someone, get put down beside me, I looked over sideways, to see a bruised, battered, Isabelle, Oh no!

I tried to shift to her, her beautiful face sprinkled with bruises... 

"I-Isabelle, Isabelle  please , respond" she shifted, slightly, and opened her eyes, exposing her blue eyes, she is covered in blood, oh god

"Izzy? are you okay?" 

she shook her head no,

"O-One of them.. is a ... "she shuddered in fear, what did they do to her?!

"one of them is a what Izzy?"

"A-A g-guy" she shook her head and started crying, then the door slammed open and she screamed, 

"hello, my pretty" the person winked at her and then walked over and bent oer close to her ear, whispering something that i couldn't make out but it made her tears fall, harder


Hey guys! hope you enjoyed this chapter!

who is it?

what did they do to Izzy? 

answer down beloww!! :)

Night guys

~Sterling :)

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