My nose grazed the annoyingly white wall as I sighed. I had one bitch of a head ache. I turned my body around and saw that I was in a very small, four walled little white box. Well it wasn't a box, but the white everything and lack of furniture made the room crushingly small. There was a small bed with white sheets and pillows to the left of me. That was it. Just a plain room with a bed and no windows. I was feeling extremely trapped at this point.

Memories slowly flowed back to me. Then I realized that I had been abducted, twice. Or make that three times counting way back then.


Shit. I remembered everything. I must be in Union head-quarters or whatever the hell they call themselves. That Fabian is going to die a painful death if I find him. He will pay for hurting Nova.

Wait...He didn't...kill her right? I mean I know Union was vicious but I didn't think they would kill innocents right?

A tear slid sluggishly down my cheek. I sighed painfully and stood up from the floor. There had to be a door somewhere. I ran my fingers over the blinding white walls, feeling for cracks.

Then I found the outline of the door. There was the hinges, but no handle. Perfect. I lifted my foot up and kicked the door as hard as I could. Vibrations went up my leg and I fell backwards. If I was human, I would have shattered my leg. I cursed out loud. That was a solid metal door.

I touched my leg gingerly and sat on the ground, waiting for the pain to subside. I continued swearing random words for no other reason but my anger. I was angry at everything and everyone.

Why hadn't Daniel bothered to look or me? Did he not care enough? Why did this have to happen to Nova of all people? Why was Union such a cruel place?

Questions that would not be answered by my waiting in this cell. I stood up and used my good leg to kick at the wall. The plaster was much more forgiving than the metal door. The plaster was giving easily. I had broken the first layer and then there was the insulation. I made the hole a bit bigger by pulling away the loose pieces of plaster. Then I pulled out pieces of insulation to make kicking the wall out easier.

I was fueled only by my anger. I barely noticed the fumes and plaster dust in the air. I kept kicking at the wall without pause. Then, I had broken through. I saw the other side and that drove me even further to keep kicking. I had made a big enough hole to crawl through. I wanted to kill Shadow and Fabian. Shadow had hurt too many people important to me. Fabian as well.

I pulled myself out of the hole and tumbled onto the floor. I was in a gray, dark hallway. My mind was set. I had to make them pay. My good natured conscious was out on holiday. Then I saw them. Two guards ran towards me, holding guns in their hands. They were wearing matching uniforms.

I stood up, adrenaline pumping through my veins. Anger pushing me forward. My mind was running through tactics on escape and my body was following through. But a small and quiet part of me was whispering 'what am I doing?'

The guards came closer to me and I lifted two palms. The guards went flying towards the walls and they slumped forward after impact as if they were rag dolls. They didn't move again.

My stride quickened as I walked forward. My body leading, my mind following. Security camera's watched my every move down the darkened hallway.

Three more guards were approaching now. My head ache was increasing as I sent more men into the walls and tossed them around in the air as if it were of no effort. A thought slipped through; my mental block must have been broken, maybe from my anger. I stopped thinking and just did.

My sneakers made a soft noise one the stone ground. My breaths were even and my head was held high. Why me? What did I do to deserve losing everything? Never before was I able to throw five grown men. Something was wrong with me.

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