Chapter 21

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My heart was racing. I pulled myself onto the sturdy shelf and held onto Nova's hand so she couldn't leave. ''Please don't get hurt because of me." I whispered. She nodded firmly and closed the closet door. I could hear her footsteps walk away. It was pitch black in the closet and after awhile, all I could hear was my heart beating.

I crawled backwards to the very far corner, were Nova had said to go. I held my knees to my chest and took deep breaths in and out. Could it really be Shadow and Fabian at the door? If so... would they hurt Nova? They couldn't... If they do anything to her I would kill them. Well, I couldn't kill anyone. But I sure as hell would try.

I could hear yelling and crashing from in the living room. Then, I heard Fabian's thick Russian accent. It was them. I held myself tighter as I heard Nova scream. Tears were down my cheeks now. They were hurting her because of me. Then they would kill both of us.

Footsteps came closer to the door, then away again. I felt my heart shatter. Here was me, sitting in a closet hiding from my problems as a human takes the pain for me from powerful creautures. Who the hell was I? How could I be so weak? But I couldn't force my scared body to do the brave thing; the right thing.

My heart was breaking even more as her screams filled my ears and as her beautiful house that she worked for was being destroyed. I held my knees to my chest and rocked back and forth on the shelf, each rock made the wood creak.

I don't know how long my frozen body was there for, but it was a good long time. The house was quiet as if nothing had happened. I willed my self to move and I lowered myself off of the ledge and onto the ground. I felt around in the dark for the door knob. I felt it and turned the knob. Bright light from Nova's room burned into my eyes. I squinted and put a hand up to shield my eyes until they adjusted.

Blinking a few times, I tentatively stepped forward on weak knees. I left Nova's room only to see hell had been let loose. What once had been Nova's living room was now a demolition job. Holes were in the walls, furniture had been turned over, and glass was broken over the floor. The worst had to been the red liquid on the floor, and the red hand print.
I turned away and forced myself not to throw up. Never before have I been so repulsed around blood. Nova was no were in sight. Neither was the sick bastards.

I walked forward into the room, dodging any broken items. My heart was weighing about ten thousands pounds in my chest, pulling me down. How could I do this to Nova? I looked in the kitchen yet there was still no sign of life. I turned around but as soon as I did, my heart dropped into my stomach. Fabian stood in front of me, looking furious. His eyes were redder then the blood on the floor. I didn't move.

"You little brat. You caused a lot of problems for me. Boss won't be happy." His voice was gravelly as he stalked towards me. I hung my head in defeat. I had no power left in me right now. "Don't play the weak act. I won't be repeating my mistakes again, this time you won't be awake to cause me trouble." I barely had time to register what we said. Fabian ran right towards me, his body becoming slightly translucent. Everything happened so fast, I didn't realize that Fabian had ran right through me. Electricity was running through my blood.

My head was pounding. I was fighting to keep my eyes open, but in mere seconds they closed. This was even more powerful than sleep. The floor came closer to me the ground met my face.

. . . .

Sluggish mind. It came in and out slowly. My eyes saw light then darkness again. I was trapped in my own body.

Slowly my conscious mind made sense of the obvious. I was waking up.

I felt my limbs which were in an awkward and uncomfortable position. Then my eyes decided to open. Bright light inflicted my sight. Fluorescent lights should not exist. I cursed and squeezed my eyes closed. Sighing I managed to untangle my limbs and sit up. Confusion was flooding my mind. I opened my eyes and all I saw was white. Then I realized I was staring at a wall.

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