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ho boy let's get to it
q's from gay-anime-freak

1. trans oikawa or agender kageyama?

trans oikawa gets at my feels more

2. favorite anime siblings?

tanizaki junichirou and naomi

3. favorite headcanon of yours?

i don't currently have one they're all too good

4. any upcoming albums you're excited for?

sadly no ¦( but the way things have been going so far i'm waiting for a mew TØP album to break news

5. first haikyuu character you fell in love with?

if i remember correctly it was either Noya or Tsukki

6. kuroko no basket or prince of stride?

kuroko no basket because it's the one i've watched 😂😂

7. favorite/most worn piece of clothing?

mah karasuno jacket

8. would you wear skirts/dresses by choice?

i don't now so i probably won't anytiem soon 😂😂

9. any piercing? which ones do you want?

i've said before i used to have earring holes but they closed

the only one i can see myself comfortably getting is maybe a tongue piercing like Teruchild

10. most emotional anime opening?

The Hero!! if you slow it down

11. have you ever spoiled something about a major anime for yourself?

several tiems

12. sexuality and/or romantic orientation?

go figure, i messed up on my profile
soon to be changed, im actually bisexual demiromantic i overshot my wording

13. if you had the choice, which team in haikyuu would you join?

i'd join Karasuno in a heartbeat

Not Tagging Anyone this Time!
sorry :/

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