tags round 6

33 6 3

the first of many "13 questions" tags to come, this one from MommaSuga

1. anime or manga?

definitely anime tbh

2. Mama Crow or Papa Crow

Mama Crow fam ayyyy

3. would you rather live in Attack on Titan or Tokyo Ghoul?

i know it really isn't but Attack on Titan because it's more light-hearted (just look at the spinoff

4. current anime(s)?

too many to type so i'll screenshot the list in my notes

too many to type so i'll screenshot the list in my notes

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5. current manga(s)?

Tokyo Ghoul, Boku no Hero Academia, Bleach, Kuroshitsuji

6. do you like shoujo?

i personally don't but hey if you do that's cool

7. your favorite genre and why?

i'm a basic shounen b*tch 😂

8. ever wanna visit Japan

heeeeeeelll yeah

9. do you own any j-pop or japanese music?

a lot

10. listen to vocaloid?

unfortunately not

11. can i hug you?


12. worst fear/phobia?

my monophobia's worse than my thalassophobia so i'd say being alone

13. do you like your writing style?

not really, i'm trying to get better



and _Imma_Unicorn_

Questions for you guys...

1. have you ever cosplayed? if so, what?

2. what anime means the most to you?

3. who's your favorite american music artist?

4. japanese music artist (if you have one)?

5. tea or coffee?

6. if you could tame any animal to be a pet, what animal would it be?

7. what would you name it?

8. what would be the coolest job to you?

9. if you could choose any animeverse to live in, which one?

10. how often have you considered the fact that we are in only one universe of billions?

11. do you believe in aliens like Trashykawa?

12. on a scale of 1-5, how neat do you think your handwriting is?

13. are you feeling okay right now?

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