tags round 9

28 7 4

a round of questions from mah good fren lucatheloser

1. do you have pets?

i think i wrote down in one of the last ones that i have a dog named Disney

unfortunately i don't remember 😂😂

2. what makes you feel alive?

anime (lol like the weeb i am), talking any of my frens, and playing volleyball in p.e.

3. how old are you?

14, turning 15 this year

4. what are your pronouns?


5. zodiac/birthday?

snake, sagittarius, December 11

6. favorite pizza topping?


7. if you could marry any character who would it be?


8. KuroKen or KuroTsukki?

KuroKen tbh

9. eye color?


10. your first fandom/anime?

Professor Layton was the first thing i got reAAAALLYYY into

11. do you have/want a tattoo? what is it?

maybe a smol one, dk what of yet

12. have you smoked/drank?

proud to say no

13. have you ever been to a concert? what? and your favorite? (if no) who do you want to see?

Fall Out Boy (and soon to be Panic! as well) so that's my favorite as of now



and kanahki !


1. what social media do you tend to use the most?

2. what would you do if the person you like right now (in real life) asked you out?

3. apple or samsung/android?

4. favorite color?

5. what do you like to do for fun?

6. favorite manga/anime?

7. when you sleep, socks or nah?

8. what's one thing you wanna do better?

9. favorite school subject?

10. if you could go back in time and watch your younger self do something, what would it be?

11. organization or piles?

12. speakers or earbuds?

13. how much time do you spend outside?

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