tags round 7

38 7 8

"13 questions" tag number 2, this time from gay-anime-freak

1. favorite movie?

Big Hero 6

2. favorite book?

i really like The Ables by Jeremy Scott

3. makoharu or rinharu?

makoharu because rintori

4. anime character you relate to the most?

i can't give you my serious answer because i'm really not sure rn but my joke answer would be Oreki Houtarou from Hyouka because we're both lazy (it's a really bad habit of mine)

5. any countries you wanna visit?

def Japan, maybe somewhere in Europe, and also the countries that my wattpad fam live in

6. dream job/life goals?

engineer (don't know what kind yet)/
be financially stable (not necessarily rich but enough so that i can live comfortably) and invent the first pair of wings that work individually (think Daedalus but they don't break so easily)

7. if you knew you were gonna live more than one life on Earth would you live one as a serial killer? just to see what it's like and if you could not get caught?

probs not, i feel too guilty easily

8. anime parents?

Daisuga all da way

9. what languages can you speak?

only English currently but i'm learning Japanese and French

10. current obsession(s)?

Haikyuu, Bungou Stray Dogs, androgynous haircuts

11. what stereotypes are true about the place you live in?

• its a diverse place
the weather is gr8
there's more that i can't remember

12. favorite food?

shoyu ramen

13. favorite Haikyuu rare pair and cross ship?

Rarepair ~ AkaHina
(Akaashi Keiji x Hinata Shoyou)

Cross Ship ~ KouTsushi
(Sugawara Koushi x Nakajima Atsushi)



and nekenma !


1. who did y'all first truly meet on wattpad?

2. dogs or cats?

3. if you could rename yourself, what would you make your new name?

4. do you have any writing goals?

5. describe your best fren in one word gO

6. do you fall asleep quick and easy or slow and tossy-turny?

7. the weirdest thing you've ever done?

8. name your favorite shape.

9. where's the most funnest place you've went to?

10. least favorite thing to do?

11. rate your regular confidence level on a scale of Yamaguchi to Oikawa.


13. what do you prefer, short hair or long hair (on you)?

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