:The Werewolf On My Doorstep:18: Together

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“No, I'm not. So why don't you tell us all about why you're planning murder. Huh?” Its not really that surprising to hear her say she wants to murder Xander, seeing as how she says it just about every day. For the past two months she and Xander have either been as lovey dovey as Xavier and I or at each other's throats.

Its really getting kinda annoying. I just wanna bang their heads together and tell them to make up their minds.

“That ass. Did you know he's leaving with you guys when you move and that I'm going with him?” Nessa sighs, scratching the tip of her nose.

“So? Isn't that what you wanted?” Its all she's talked about since I decided on moving with Xavier after I graduate. I mean, we all knew Xander would come with us but no one ever really factored in Nessa and her being his mate, though. Had she changed her mind?

“Yes. No. I don't know.” She chews on her bottom lip, looking absolutely helpless. “I thought I did, but he didn't even ask me. No, he just came in this morning and said to pack my bags because we're moving. Who does that?” She cried incredulously.

“Xander?” I offer, smiling innocently when she glowers at me. “What? You asked so I answered.” I mutter and stick my tongue out at her. “At least you don't have to worry about whether an entire pack of Werewolves is going to like you or not.”

My biggest fear about moving isn't being in a new town and not knowing anyone around me. No my biggest fear is that the Pack Xavier is wanting to join won't like me and that I'll end up dead in a ditch somewhere. Or somehow end up as a snack.

Nessa's eyes narrow on my left hand as I pull my hair back. She pulls my hand away from my head, ignoring me when I try to tug my hand back. “Oh my-he did it!” She grins at me, jumping up and down in place before shoving my hand under Tessa's nose. “Did you see this? He did it, I can't believe he did it.”

Tessa cocks her head to the side, echoing the amused grin on my face with one of her own. “You know, I think she's more excited than you are and she's not even the one getting married.”

Nessa pouts at her, “Can't I be excited for my best friend? Its not everyday you find out she's getting married you know.” She pauses, brow furrowing in confusion for a moment. “Wait, are you guys getting married? Or are you just doing a mating ceremony?”

“Both.” From what I've been told-which isn't that much-the mating ceremony is basically the pack's version of a wedding, only more complicated. Tessa and Shawn have tried to explain it to me but I get kinda lost the first five minutes into their description of what will happen. It really doesn't help when Xavier's in the room distracting me.

“Have you told Eva, yet?”

I shake my head 'no' and ignore the probing look on Nessa's face. “She and Dunkan haven't come out of hibernation yet.” That relationship was one I hadn't seen coming, but it seems to be good for them both. Eva puts up with his weird pervertedness and he handles her controlling moods like they're nothing to be worried about.

“What about Trevor?”

“They're avoiding one another.” Xavier murmurs quietly from behind Nessa, smiling when she jumps and squeaks in surprise.

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