Stephanie and Crystal led their brother and sister along with the crowd, and everyone followed the backstage manager through the concert hall. Stephanie’s eyes were on the man who had pushed Crystal. Weird – it didn’t seem like he was there with anyone. And from what Stephanie could see of the man’s face, he looked really serious. Was he a news reporter? An undercover security guard? What was he doing at a kids’ concert without a kid?

                “Your boyfriend looks like a psycho,” Stephanie said to Crystal, and Crystal rolled her eyes when she realized Stephanie was talking about the older man.

                “I’m not letting a loser ruin my day with Big Time Rush,” Crystal said. “I’ve been dying to meet Logan ever since the concert tickets went on sale.”

                “Me, too!” Selena sang.

                “And I worked every weekend at Wal-Mart for two months straight just to save up the money for these passes.”

                “Me, too!”

                “Selena, I paid for you.” Crystal laughed. “Copycat.”

                Everyone was seated in front of the soundstage, with the strange older man sitting a few rows ahead of Stephanie, Crystal, Christopher, and Selena. The lights were low, making the anticipation that much more intense. The backstage manager took the stage with a microphone in hand.

                “Everyone, it’s time to say hello to ... Big ... Time ... Rush!”

                The concert hall exploded with screams. Stephanie almost stopped breathing. There was Logan running out first! And Carlos! Kendall looked so much taller in person than he did on TV! Oh, my God – and James! The James Maslow!

                “Oh, my Go-o-o-od!” Crystal screamed beside Stephanie, grabbing her friend’s hand.

                Stephanie couldn’t take her eyes off her future husband. Well, James didn’t know it yet, but soon he would – Stephanie was positive. He seemed so calm and confident. His dark hair was combed neatly and cut short, making him look even more mature. Stephanie always loved the way James dressed for photos, but in person, even better – his blue shirt, black blazer, and casual jeans made him look so cool, in such a simple way.

                “We’re so excited to be in Toronto today. This is our third visit to Canada and we love it here,” Kendall told the fans.

                “Canadian girls are really hot,” Logan teased, and the crowd went crazy again.

                “No offense, Logan, but the Canadian fans are here for me, not you.” Everyone laughed at Carlos’ joke.

                “Fail, guys. Doesn’t Canada really just love James?” More screams for James’ joke.

                “Let’s get some questions going!” the backstage manager announced.

                “Kendall, what’s your favorite food?”

                “Logan, will you marry me?”

                “Is there a song you guys have never performed in concert that you wish you could?”

                “What’s your favorite song on your latest album?”

Hostage (Big Time Rush fanfic thriller)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن