"So how is being parents? Do you guys feel old yet?" Jaime asked childishly.

"We don't feel old, just tired." I agreed a hundred and ten percent with Ben's statement. It has only been a week since Amelia was born and three days since we left the hospital. We stayed at the hospital longer than I thought we would because the doctor wanted to monitor Amelia's lungs and my heart. I almost had a heart attack when they took Amelia to do a few tests on her lungs because she was a few weeks premature but the doctors concluded that she was fine. And after Michael's surprise pop up at the hospital I had a panic attack. Because I was already weak from giving birth it took a large toll on my physical health. Once I was feeling a little stronger the doctor let us go and we came home.

I didn't want too many people over on the day that we brought Amelia home. A lot of people meant a lot of germs and I wasn't taking my chances, so Sadia and my dad were the only ones allowed to come near the baby. Joey spent a few hours with her before catching the next flight back to Florida. Sadia fell head over heels for the little girl at first glance, despite being the only other person besides myself and Ben that knew that Ben wasn't the biological father she promised to be the best aunt and spoil her niece in the most fashionable baby clothes to ever hit the runway. My dad, on the other hand, started to talk about all the games he would take her to, and all the sports she would be good at. He really didn't know how to handle girls which is part of the reason why I am a horror movie loving sports fanatic like him but he was trying and that was all I cared about.

The principal gave Ben some excused absences from school, not as many as I had but enough for him to help me get used to life with the baby. Ben doesn't have school for the next week, only going for after school basketball practices to prepare for the upcoming state championships. I, on the other hand, don't have school for the rest of the month only having to go in for my final exams and a few graduation rehearsals.

Jaime and Lucy had been calling and texting me since Ben and I left prom after my water broke. They had been dying to see my little girl so I told them to wait until Saturday and then the four of them could come over.

"Is she sleeping through the night?" Jacob asked. Every since they found out about my pregnancy whenever Ben would read one of those 'what to expect' books, Jacob would read one too. He surprisingly knew a lot about infants and pregnancy, even sharing disturbing facts with Seth at lunch so he would loose his appetite.

"No not really. She will sleep for about three hours straight but she wakes up in the middle of the night because she is hungry and it takes forever to put her back down." Last night was by far the worse I have experienced. She woke up at three in the morning and after I fed her she cried for half an hour before finally falling asleep.

"And it is so hard to be mad at her for keeping us awake because she is so damn cute." Ben said in the highest pitch voice he could.

"Agreed! You two made an adorable baby." Lucy squealed.

"Just don't go making more adorable babies, at least not yet." Seth commented making Ben chock on thin air.

"I just pushed one out, I don't even want to think of the idea of another one." The thought allow sent a shiver down my spine.

"Besides they would have to wait at least six weeks before doing anything so Alex's body can go back to normal." Jacob adds his tidbit of information.

"Six weeks huh?" Ben whispered in my ear making my cheeks flush red.

"Don't worry. A few of Coach Wyatt's intense work outs and your body will be back to how it was before the baby." Lucy said optimistically.

"I hope so. I'm still upset that I gave birth to a 7 lb baby but only lost 4 lb, how is that even possible?" I still can't wrap my head around it and all my nurse said was that it's normal. "Anyways, how's everything with you guys?"

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