Thirty eight

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I'm back, please don't hate me!!
I know it has been a while since I updated and I'm sorry about that. I am under so much stress lately with my gradual action coming up and the stupid IB Exams I am taking all month.
Are any of my readers in the IB Program or know someone in it?? It's hell isn't it?
Okay well I hope you enjoy the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment.


"Look at her little hands

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"Look at her little hands. They are so tiny, you could eat them in like one bite."

"Seth that is called cannibalism and is highly frowned upon in our society." Lucy calmly explains to her boyfriend as if this isn't the first time they have had this conversation.

"I'm not really going to eat her, she is too cute." Seth says, his voice going up a few octaves at the end of his sentence.

"So are you implying that you would eat a person if they weren't cute?" Jaime asks sarcastically.

"Well depending on the circumstances.." Seth isn't able to finish his sentence due to the chorus of groans that erupted in the room.

"Don't even finish that sentence man. There is something wrong with you." Jacob says a little too loud and his voice causes Amelia to wiggle in her crib.

"Shut up Jacob," Seth whisper yells at his friend before hitting him on the back of the head. "Don't wake up my godchild."

"Your godchild?! Oh no Seth you are not the godfather! We talked about this, you don't deserve such an awesome title." Jacob whisper yells back at his friend.

"We didn't talk about this. You blabbed on and on about how cute the baby was going to look as long as it didn't have any of Ben's beastly features while I just shook my head cause your voice was annoying me."

"Okay okay." I finally decided to speak up. Standing up from my rocking chair in the corner of the room I stood between the feuding friends in hopes that their voices would go back to their normal volume and not wake up the baby. "How about we continue this conversation downstairs because if you two wake up that baby, I will kill you both." Seth and Jacob looked at my serious expression and knew I wasn't kidding about committing murder. They dropped their shoulders in defeat and walked out of the nursery. Soon everyone followed after them, Ben being the last one out because he had to turn on the baby monitor.

The six of us went downstairs to the living room where they could get as loud as they want. Lucy, Seth, and Jaime sat down on the large ivory couch while Jacob sat on the arm chair closest to Jaime and Ben in the arm chair opposite of Jacob. Before I could sit down next to Lucy, Ben wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap. I am still just as heavy as I was right before I gave birth but he didn't seem to mind. Ben pulled our bodies as close as they could get before resting his chin on my shoulder occasionally resting his head in the crook of my neck while leaving light feathered kisses. I knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to silence my thoughts, and for that I was grateful.

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