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My body couldn't handle it.. the poison from Mizuki had greatly affected my body because I had pushed the pain away.. the poison had spread all throughout my body and as soon as the adrenalin, and strength left my body, I screamed and crumbled in pain.. Tomoe did everything h could to help me but there just isn't any kind of medication for a familiar's poison. I was left useless in bed with the sprites caring for me as the dragon blood slowly ate away the poison.. and the shrine was easily taken over by Narukami.. My home was taken and Tomoe and Nanami ran. But Narukami kept me in the shrine, saying that Tomoe would come back for me. I could hear the thunder above me and made the lightning hit the shrine and me.. I let the lightning burn more of the poison and give me enough power to hide my dragon blood. I stood up as she ran to my room looking furious. " I lay there as she stared at me.. " WHERE'S TOMOE!!" She screamed as I laughed.;. I know that Tomoe is back but he is hiding from her. I know where he is but I will not tell her.. She glared at me as the thunder rolled and lightning lite up the sky.

She grabbed me by the neck.. " Filthy Half breed.. " She growled as I coughed blood.. " You so useless. " She sighed as she threw me to the ground.. " I am Lady Nanami's Familiar.. Not yours. I will never be yours, neither will Tomoe.." I laughed as she fumed stomping out the room. I laid back down as I knock on the floor where I lay.. under me is Tomoe's room. " She is gone.." I whispered only loud enough for him to hear.. I heard a quiet thank you..

Soon Nanami came for us.. I moved out of the way as she found Tomoe. And he returned to his normal size.. and She left a note for me..

" If you wish to rid of that sickness for good, Tame your heart.. but for now, I will leave you with this.. Protect your master with your life.. but this is will only last until the end of this year "

And a peach pill fell into my hands.. I quickly swallowed the pill and suddenly I felt an extreme pain wash over my body for a moment before it all disappearing.. I felt much better.. I jumped up and stretched.. my body cracking in various places. I felt much better.. I Walked into the room where Tomoe and Nanami should be.. I walk in to see Tomoe restored and with long hair.. Nanami blushing brightly. Tomoe became Nanami's Familiar once again but I just stood there as she blushed.. " I would like to become your familiar once again as well." I stated as she panicked and looked at me.." Oh...Ok!" She said as I kissed her softly on her lips..  honesty, I felt nothing special.. I felt normal.. But she was still bright red..

a few days later, Everything was back to normal.. Nanami was once again complaining about her lunches and the mushrooms inside of it while Tomoe teased her for it. They fight as normal and girls swoon over Tomoe as well. I sit alone in a corner watching them. Kurama enters and the fox and Tengu go at it with each other picking at each other's ego. I let Him take care of her for today.. Human conversations are extremely boring to me.. They spoke of boys and " dating" and such that I do not understand.. and the males eye me every second they get which irritates me.. and I feel agitated.. meaning I will lash out at anyone who picks at me. 

And even worst, Nanami has started to act like those girls as well, Except her eyes are set on Tomoe.   " I don't think Humans and youkai should interact.. I don't agree with Tomoe but I don't agree with you either Nanami.. Because There is no such thing as Love.. It just the mind searching for something it lacks and when they find that something, Lust is created, Love is just another form of lust.. and when that happens. Suffering is born.. like me.. I was able to deal with it, but all half breeds suffer whether they have their parents or not..  Its just a disgrace to both humans and demons." I whispered as I walked off of the roof and into the school to cool my head..

What I said is true.. The mixing of humans and youkai is just a curse.. Nothing but suffering come from it.. Suffering to the child and the family, also to the people around them.

To the village that loved my , mother. to the people that the child wants to protect. TO anyone who loves her.

It never works out for the half breed child.. she never gets her happy ending no matter how many lives she lives.

I walked around school for hours. And I heard Nanami's voice with a few others... " Are with Tomoe or not?" I shifted form one foot to the other impatiently.. Nanami can not love Tomoe.. it will not end well. She will feel pain and Tomoe will not see anything or understand.

I walked to where Tomoe was and watched him.. I watched silently.. I watched as Nanami fell more in love with him.

In the dark room, Us three Sat in our little meeting. To talk about Nanami.." I heard your little conversation on the roof Tomoe." Kurama started.. " Conversation on the roof?" Tomoe asked as I huffed.  " The one where you say, ' there's nothing more important to me than protecting you Nanami..'.. Or it went something like that.." I growled as he glared at me and the Tengu rubbed his temples. " Nanami is in the age range called adolescence where a human female started looking for a mate. " " You don't want to be the object of her affection right?" Kurama and I finished together. " You should be more careful how you handle her.. Even if she's your lady and mistress, She's also a human girl.. Id let Umio take care of her more and you watch from the side lines, cause you've got yourself a situation. " Kurama stated as if he's an expert. But he then turned to a different idea than what I had been told. " SO you should hurry up and make me the land god. " I growled and swung at him.. he dodged with his fan. " There is only one person in this world that gives me orders.  And you say that she is the same as the other girls that fall head over heals for this nonsense..  do not make a fool out of me Tengu.." Tomoe growled.. I snarled at both of them.. They do not understand the situation.. Nanami is a female HUMAN.. Not a youkai. She wants love while she is young because she does not live long. she is in the prime of her short life.. She is looking for love and she ha already found it in Tomoe.. And suffering will come from it.

They argued as I opened the door. 2 girls stood in front of us as we walked out.. I imagine what they think.. ' all three of them came out at once.. All beautiful people..' foolish humans.. the 2 male youkai continued to argue..

A few minutes pass and The final exams are over.. I walk into the class to see Nanami sighing about it.. and her 2 friends standing by her. The pink haired girl started to speak about going some where since they are over with exams but the brown haired girl said she was not going because she has a 'date' with her ' boy friend ' and once again Nanami started to dream about Tomoe. I can see it in her eyes.

And that is how I ended up alone in the shrine.. AS Tomoe and Nanami go on a 'date' as I tend to the duties at the shrine. I growled as I broom the front and the back yards.. then mop the whole shrine.. I then clean everything.. I do laundry, and I also start making dinner. Onikiri and Kotestu avoid me as I range through the halls cleaning.. A pain.. A pain.. a Pain.. Love only brings pain.. I growl angry at Nanami, And angry at Tomoe and angry at the world..

But I felt a pain in my hand.. Nanami is in danger.. She is in Danger while With Tomoe.. I knew this would come.. but I did not know how much pain  i would be in.. I growled as it echoed through out the empty shrine.. And i remembered how it felt  to be alone.. Alone in the world where the people who are suppose to love you over look you.. SO i walk out of the shrine as the dull sting in my had dies down. I walk out and look up at the stars..

Maybe it was a bad idea to become Nanami's familiar once again.. Maybe i should just disappears yet again.

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