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I woke up to people watching me.. I remembered people.. I remember the voice. These people are not danger.. they will hide me.. they will protect me.. I calm slightly as I look at myself.. My blue hair was braided behind me, a towel was across my forehead. My bloodied kimono was replaced with a pure white one. The tatami floor was covered with a futon where I slept and the windows were open to let fresh air in.. a soft breeze swept across the room and I breathed in.. The door slammed open. " I see you are awake.. Now you can leave.." The fox growled but was yanked by the ear by the human girl.. She smiled softly at me. " My name is Momozono Nanami.  This is the Mikage shrine.. We found you hurt in the front of the shrine and brought in in after you tried to attack us.." She said a little to enthusiastically. SHe went to touch me but I growled.. " I thank you for your kindness but I do not wish for a human to touch me.. I must leave or Misfortune will follow.. " I stated as I stood up.. I stumbled slightly heading to where I saw my freshly cleaned clothing. I went to grab it but started to fall backwards.. I waited for the floor to meet my back but I was caught in strong arms.. " Your to weak to even stand half breed.. Are you stupid enough to go out when you can not fight off other demons?" He asked angry..  He set me down back on the futon before I tried to stand back up.. He growled.. " Why do you insist on leaving you stupid half mutt!!" He yelled as I flinched..

"It is because I am a half mutt as you say.. Demons hunt me.. gods hunt me.. humans hunt me.. A man hunts me down as we speak and he will destroy this place along with the people in it.. I must leave before more people are killed because of me. "  I explained with a straight face. The fox smirked. He sat in front of me... " I've heard of you from the Tanuki demons. Your Umio. the dragon half breed. Your mother bewitched a human male and had his child.. Then the stupid human was killed for mating with a demon's betrothal.." He laughed as I growled.. My eyes red.. My claws out.. I swiped at him.. " DO NOT DEGRADE MY MOTHER AND FATHER!! YOU KNOW OF NOTHING!" I snarled as 2 sprites held me back.. " Then tell us their story" Nanami said to me as she pulled on the foxes ear..

Slowly I calmed back down. And I started my story. The story of my parents.

I remember the village elder telling the human children about my parents story while I hid on the roof.

" There once was a demon king and his betrothal Inami. They were to be married because of there political positions.. Of course they were bother demons. "

Flashback: Inami POV

" My lord, What shall we do today?" I asked as as my bethrothal shook his head.. " I am busy today Inami. " He stated under his breath as he walked away from me.. I know that he only wished to rid of me..  So I walk around the palace alone until I stop a shining piece of jewel floating slowly down from the surface.. I walked over to it to see that it is a necklace..  a golden necklace with a red ruby in the middle of the round pendant. I swim a little ways away from the palace onto the sand floors closer to shore.. Though it is still many feet under water, I can see the sunlight shining in from the surface.. And a human man swimming franticly struggling to reach the bottom.. He searches for something before running out of breath and going back up for air once again before coming down to search once more.

I look down at the necklace in my hands.. And debate on whether I should give it back to him.. I decide to lay it upon the ground where he searches as he goes back up for air..  As I do so, I fail to see the eel lurking nearby eyeing the shining object on the sand.. As the man sees what he had been searching for, the sea creature attacked the man for the object. If it were me, I would forget about the jewel and leave, but the man fought and soon begins to drown..

Without thinking, I command the eel to leave and it does so.. I call upon my dragon and to take him to the surface as I retrieve him precious jewel.

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