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Days passed, I was angry at Nanami for a while but soon accepted the fact that I was a familiar. but I am still worried about the lord. Tomoe, The fox demon assured me that He will protect Nanami with his life.. but I am still very much worried so, Nanami made me a talisman that fid me from any demon searching to hurt me..  I also began to attend school as Tomoe ordered because there are times when he will not be able to protect her..

I have gotten used to school and have stuck to Nanami's side as she is my " master"  though she wished for me not be to close.. There fore, I am her  " Cousin " and the other humans do not question her.. I have also discovered another Tengu named Kurama. He wished to become the land god but was defeated by Tomoe.. And now, A snake has snuck into the school and I know, that it is not a regular snake.. It is a familiar.. The animal of some god. just as Nanami was about to touch it, I stood in front of her and let the snake crawl up my arm.. " Nanami, You shouldn't ouch animal you don't understand.. They could hurt you.. " I growled under my breath as the snake bit me. But I didn't flinch, I just let it bite me.. Nanami snatched the snake from me as it curled around Nanami's wrist.. I slightly growled as I threw it out the window.. A mating mark is imprinted around her wrist.. I should have burned it..

Tomoe was fuming when we got home.  He growled at he and yelled at Nanami.. " I told her not to touch it and I even stopped her from touching it. but she snatched it from me and she got marked.." I growled as he got in my face.. " What if it comes to get her!" He growled.. " Then you watch her.. She was your master first.." I growled as he snarled but nodded.

That night, I had a dream about a god.. and plum blossoms.

The next day, Tomoe joined us at school as my brother.. He stuck to Nanami more than I did.. I growled when ever I could. The stupid Tengu demon was absent but Tomoe replaced him and female humans flocked around him.. and soon, his mouth kept moving and moving saying stuff that Nanami wishes to keep a secret.. this is why she wished for only me to join her at this so called school. And he was dragged off by Nanami, most likely to get scolded.

As the day went by, I watched Nanami smile more as she spent time with Tomoe. And then she was finally done with her class duties.. Tomoe had fallen asleep so I walked with Nanami to the staff room.

AS we walked, a silver haired boy stopped us.. I knew instantly that he.... He's the snake.. I growled as My featured appeared .. My hair longer, My green eyes dilated and my nails to claws.. A tail sprouting from under my skirt. I stood in front of Nanami as he spoke. " Miss Nanami, Nice weather we're having.." And with that he walked closer to us before I attacked.. I slashed at him nicking his arm but he smirked.. He snapped his fingers and a pain spread through my hand from where he bit me yesterday.. I fell to the floor paralyzed.. I watched as he took hold of Nanami.. I watched as he started to walked away with his hand over her mouth.. I watched as they disappeared.. and I watched as my eye lids became heavy..

I woke when Tomoe shook me.. I coughed loudly and blood seeped through my lips. " Nanami.. " I struggled to say as pain shot through my body from the poison.. " The snake.. took her.. " I gasped as he abruptly stood up. I grasped his arm. and I struggled to stand.. " Take me.. I can follow their trail.. " I whispered with the little strength I had and my body started to burn.. The poison still rushing through my blood.  I let my demon take control as o transformed as my mother once did to protect a human.. I stood there as Tomoe climbed on top of my back.. I growled and roared into the sky as I flew.. I flew high into the sky as lighting struck around me..

I am the half dragon and only I, Am the dragon of the sky.. I control the thunder.. I control this storm.. My domain is the storm!

I swept through the clouds as fast as I could ignoring the pain, ignoring the paralyzing burn.. until we were above a lake.. I dived in, But as I pasted through the water, I noticed that, Tomoe could not get through.. So I went without him.. I landed on the ground, in a room and I spotted Nanami. " my lady,"  I bowed as she looked up and started to cry.. She ran up to me crying.. " Umio!" I hugged her softly..
" Nanami.. Something is off in this shrine..  We need to leave.." I whispered as the snake entered the room. " Oh.. I see you finally came to be with your lady.. " He smiled as I growled letting my claws out.. "I growled lunging for him but Nanami stops me.. " No Umio... " She shakes her head as I growl. I sit beside her.. " Touch her snake and I will tear you apart.." I threaten as he laughed.. " You can not hurt me.. My master.. Lady Yonomori will not allow it. " He explained as I smirked.. I do not sense any god in this shrine.. but I do not say so.." Mizuki is the best familiar in the world.. Lady Yonomori even states so.. " The sprites laughed as Nanami becomes irritated and talks about out sprites and us familiars, Tomoe and I.  And the, they begin t talk down on Tomoe and I.. Lowly origins and Unnatural birth.. Half breed, Demon fox.  But I let it go.. " You were the one who was depressed on the outer corridor. something is missing in this shrine and you know it snake. " I growled as he glared at me.. I smirked showing my fangs.. I stand And walk towards the curtain separating us from the so called Lady Yonomori.

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