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Micky hears silverware clanking downstairs and loud laughter. A string of confusion plucks at her heart and she slowly gets up, the floorboards creaking under her weight. Her hands grip the metal staircase railing and she inhales through her nose. Her eyebrows furrow as a young man runs in front of her and she turns to rush back upstairs.

"Are you hungry?" Lucifer's voice sounds behind Micky and she nearly jumps out of her skin. Turning around, Micky shakes her head. Lucifer frowns, almost letting out a growl as her eyes betray her. "You will eat." The command leaves no room for argument so Micky just stares ahead blankly.

"Who are all of these people?" Lucifer fiddles with his thumbs and looks his mate deeply in the eyes. His ear twitches as a fork squeaks across a plate, but he soon focuses again.

"This," Lucifer inhales with a smile, "is my pack." He opens his eyes and a smile tugs onto his face. He's never felt this happy; he has people to love and care for, and people to lean on. "They are my people." Micky lets out a small giggle.

"Your people?" She laughs. "These people are nothing more than blood thirsty strangers. Dogs, you like to call them, right?" Anger tugs at her insides but she regrets the words even before they leave her mouth. Lucifer snarls at her, even his instinct becoming angry at his mate. "Wait! I didn't mean that!" Lucifer just glares down at her.

"I don't care what you meant, girl." He turns and storms into the kitchen, Anaya giving him a cautious but soothing glance as he enters the room. She walks over to Lucifer, wiping her hands with a damp towel.

"She's just not used to this," Anaya whispers, placing her hands on his shoulders. Lucifer tenses but makes no effort to move. "Give her time." Micky watches from the doorway and she clears her throat, her nostrils flaring.

"Move away from my mate," she snaps. Anaya can't help but smile as she complies with the demand. She whispers something to Lucifer that Micky can't catch but Lucifer nods lightly.

"Are you done being a bitch," Lucifer mutters, turning around.

"Not quite," Micky responds, her voice laced with sarcasm. "Can I talk to you?" Anaya's eyes widen and she pushes Lucifer towards Micky, her head nodding rapidly.

"He would love that!" Micky's eyes grow cold and the same hint of jealousy rises.

"I didn't ask you." Her jaw ticks while Anaya lowers her head.

"Sorry Alpha Female." Lucifer rages at the fact that his mate is acting like this.

"You will respect my pack as though they are equal or you will not last one more second in my house!" Lucifer roars, grabbing Micky by the throat. Micky squeaks and nods, biting her lip. Lucifer grabs her arm and drags her to his room.

"I am sorry," Micky states as Lucifer is closing the door. "I was upset."

"Couldn't tell." Micky rolls her eyes.

"Something inside me just snapped; I don't even know what that was!" Lucifer smirks.

"That was the mating bond messing with your emotions. Amplifying jealousy, to be specific." Lucifer shoves his hands into his pockets as Micky opens her mouth. "But even so, you had no right to speak to anyone like that." Micky feels a nasty reply about the Alpha Rogue building up in her throat so she swallows.

"I will apologize." Lucifer nods and opens the door.

"You will." Micky follows Lucifer closely down the stairs and cautiously enters the kitchen. The pack members' eyes are filled with disgust and Micky has to swallow the lump in her throat. Micky walks up to Anaya and pulls her into a hug. Anaya hugs back.

"I'm sorry. I had no right to treat you like that." Micky pulls back. "It will never happen again." Anaya smiles and nods her head as a form of understanding. Her head tilts in submission soon after. Micky pushes Anaya's chin straight with her fingertips. "I am not higher than you. Do not bow to me, please." Micky feels awkward, not liking any form of submission.

"You are Lucifer's mate, yes?" A man around the age of 20 gets up from his chair and pushes it in. Lucifer stands silent with observing eyes, noticing Micky's shaking hands. Micky nods. "Then you are higher than us." The man places his dirty dishes in the sinks and starts to wash them. Water sprays but the man doesn't seem to mind.

"Technically, she is higher than you." Lucifer steps in. "But my pack and my mate mean the same to me. Therefore, you should feel equal." Micky is surprised at how accepting Lucifer is of his pack; this must be what he has been longing for. This is his revival. He feels reborn; like hours ago he wasn't filled with hate and memories that are enough to destroy even the strongest person. The water stops.

"We mean as much to you as your mate?" Shock coats the room. Lucifer nods, staring ahead.

"Don't look so surprised," Micky mutters sadly. "I probably mean nothing to anyone." Lucifer's head snaps over and he wonders whether he should say something.

"That can't be true," a pack member states. Micky just nods, using the towel Anaya was using to clean the countertop.

"My family hasn't found me yet; there aren't even any signs that they are searching for me. Maybe attacking that pack was part of the 'Ditch Micky' plan." Micky bites her lip, her eyes filling up with tears. "Who would care for a broken girl like me?" Lucifer walks over to Micky.

He wraps his arms around her, stopping her movements. He plants a delicate kiss on Micky's neck while she stands frozen. "A broken man like me." He kisses her again. "A broken man who is being fixed."

"And maybe an awesome guy named Grayson!" Grayson pops in between the two of them, Grayson pushing Lucifer back. Lucifer growls at Grayson, pushing him out of the way and returning to his spot. Micky laughs and continues cleaning the countertop. All sad feelings are flushed out of the room.

"And maybe an even more awesome pack," Anaya joins, smirking at Micky. Micky laughs and a flashback of Elf flashes through her head. A giggle sounds from a girl no older than 15, then everyone else laughs. Including the big bad Alpha Rogue.

Micky is glad that people will be there for her, despite how awful she was earlier. However, they don't completely fill the empty space in her heart for her family. Her laugh is forced, and soon she excuses herself to go to the bathroom. Once she closes the door, Micky slides down the wall. A tear falls from her eye. Then another. And another. And even more. Micky can't get over the fact that her dad will no longer spin her around and throw her up into the air just for the fun of it. She can't get over the feeling of her mom being disappointed. She can't get over the feeling that everyone she's ever met will hate her existence if they know what's really going on right now. So, Micky asks herself, is life really worth it?

Chapter 11! Share your thoughts; I LOVE reading comments. Reading them is the best part of my day. Don't forget to tell me what I could fix or how I can improve my story and my writing.

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading and for those of you who vote/comment! :) But I realized that I always thank you guys or just talk about the chapter in each author's note, so here is your chance to tell me about YOU! Leave a comment telling me your name and if you have any exciting plans or goals for 2016! Feel free to include any other details you want to; even if you feel like you are rambling or it's not important; IT IS!

Have a beautiful day, gorgeous! -Sierra

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