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Micky runs. She pushes herself to move as fast as she can, though she already hears Lucifer's loud roar behind her. How could she have missed? She's been trained to kill since she could walk. How could she miss?

Micky's lungs burn and a she gasps for breaths, slowing down. Running has always been her weakness, and now that she's starved she can barely hold herself up. Lucifer's footsteps echo behind Micky and she slows down, her eyes drooping in exhaustion. Her lips pull back into a grimace and she lets out a small whimper, trying to go faster. Her body can't go any faster. This is it. This is the end.

Lucifer stops. Micky doesn't. He watches with amusement as Micky trips over her feet, straight into the sight of the watch dogs of the nearby pack. He zones in on her and presses his tongue against the roof of his mouth the stop from laughing. He knows he should be helping, but he thinks this is better than dragging the girl back. He won't let her die. He can't. His instinct will come alive, taking out everything in its path to get to his unharmed mate. For now though, he just watches.

She can feel their eyes. They peer through a damp bush, sizing up their opponent. She feels helpless, even with the metal gun in her hand. The wolves look at each other, loving the rush of excitement at seeing their weak challenge. That's all she is, one of the wolves thinks. Weak.

Micky walks closer. That's the final action before the wolves lunge forward. Micky raises her gun and shoots three times, stumbling back at the force of the three shots. Her hands shake and her heart beats faster than it ever has before. The assassin in action, Lucifer thinks with a slight grin. Not that impressive.

"I might have to tell your little hunter friends you've been slacking on the training. Should I write it on your dead body, or announce it before I kill all of them?" Lucifer's voice scares Micky more than what he said. She shrieks, whipping around with the gun held out in front of her. Micky's wide eyes stare up at Lucifer with a startled, but slightly confused, expression.

"Come again?" Micky asks in a meek voice. Lucifer watches, his lips tilting to a grin. Micky's fear grows at that and she steps back, closer to one of the wolves. Its eye watches as best as it can, trying to focus on the blurry scene in front of it instead of the pain of the bullet. The wolf talks to his Alpha through the pack link. He feels the Alpha's enjoyment through the link at the new-found information and tries to stay awake, though finds it's the hardest thing he's ever done.

"Should I tell your hunter friends you've been slacking in training on your dead body or should I announce it before I kill all of them?" Micky shrinks back a little, dodging a bloody wolf.

"On my back might be a nice place," she whispers. Micky knows this is the end, so she lets some of her unamusing sarcasm show through. She flinches as Lucifer takes a step forward. Her eyes fill up with tears, but she repeats over and over how she can finally make it to the drain of the bathtub. She can finally drain out of life; literally.

Lucifer walks over and harshly spins Micky around, starting to trace words onto her back with his fingers. He whistles lightly as he traces, unaware of Micky's tears until she sniffles. "Scared?" Micky doesn't respond.

"Not for death," she finally answers. Lucifer feels slight excitement at the answer of his next question.

"Of me?" Micky's nod sends tingles down Lucifer's spine like always. He loves being the predator; he loves taking worthless people away from the worthless things they love. Only he hated it when it happened to him. "I'll let you live for now, mate." Lucifer's breath fans Micky's neck so she shifts to the right.

"What if I don't want you to?" Micky's emotions come spilling out along with tears. She doesn't want to live. She wants to be away from all the killing and pain. She wants to be happy. That's all she wants.

Lucifer's body tenses at this question but he doesn't respond. He drags his mate at his side, all the way back to his house. He shoves her into a spare bedroom and shuts the door. Lucifer locks the door from the outside while Micky watches with emotionless eyes, putting up a wall to hide her sadness.

But before he walks away from the door, Lucifer's cold voice mutters, "Find another way out."

Micky watches through the bolted window as pack wolves come far into Lucifer's land, then sprint out before he can catch them. She feels as amused as the wolves do from this game, happy to see Lucifer as angry as she is. He can't just lock her in a room! Yes, he feeds her more often now, but other than eating two to three meals a day, showering, and looking at the empty forest through her window, she has nothing to do. The bolts contain small scratch marks from where Micky has tried to unhinge them, but they stay in place. Micky's fury grows more as she traces the marks, thinking back to the day Micky feared Lucifer would kill her. That would be better than this, she thinks in a bitter tone.

The front door slams and she tenses up, watching a pack wolf stare up at her curiously through the window. Its eyes glow with happiness but it stands still, analyzing the strange girl sitting in Lucifer's house. Micky moves away from the window with a sigh, no longer amused.

Lucifer waits outside Micky's room for a minute, his hands gripping the knob. Finally, he pushes the door open and tucks the key in his pocket. "I want you to go hunting with me," Lucifer announces. He doesn't know why-he just wants to see the sadistic side of his mate. He wants to relate to her; to feel like he's not the only one that has been forced into a horrible world unwillingly.

"Pass," Micky says with boredom. She looks down, gritting her teeth at how Lucifer just walked right in like he hasn't done anything wrong.

"Okay." Lucifer's body tinges with anger and disappointment, but he starts to walk out anyways. Micky's head shoots up once she realizes this is her chance to escape this room, and maybe him.

"Wait!" Lucifer stops moving. His left ear twitches as he waits, Micky notices. "I will go." Her tone is firm, showing that she still isn't happy with him." He nods and Micky hops off the bed, following close behind him. Lucifer throws her a camouflage-patterned coat and opens the door.

"Try to keep up with me, girl."

I honestly think this is the fastest I've ever updated anything (you're welcome) :) Even though there were only two comments on the last chapter, they really inspired me to write this chapter in an hour and a half and not stop. I would've written today, but I would not have finished this as soon, so thanks for the motivation!

Anyways, hope your week has been awesome. Stay beautiful! Love, Sierra

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