CHAPTER IV "The Job Application"

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My phone alarmed and waking me up early. It is the day that I should change my sleeping habit and wake up early every day. Eat my breakfast, brush my teeth, taking a bath and dressing up for the office.

It was my job application.

Before I headed out I saw illustration 354 lying freely on my working table, the latest illustration that Emily draw for me. I put it to my portfolio to show it if necessary for later.

As I prepared myself and hitting the road I wandered to myself as I looked to all the tall buildings that surrounded our town, our city, towering over my head and shaded the bright light of the sun.

It was a sight of amazement, nevertheless the pressure was still in my mind though, it bothered me. The pressure of having a job application, an interview, the question of what will they make me do.

I turned on the radio just to calm myself a bit. Still looking around the nearby avenue where the building that I supposed to go is, I find a familiar face. It was her, the girl that I met at the mall, the cosplayer, the girl in blue shirt, the girl that keep arguing with me. Why can’t we repel each other, seeing her again will just aggravate the repulsive relationship that we already have.

I stared at her for time through my car’s window, I wear a sunglasses so I couldn’t get her attention, It’s a bit of surprise that she’s heading the way as I am. Maybe she works at the same office that I’m headin but I remembered she admittedly say she doesn’t have a job. Maybe I was just thinking irrationally, maybe it was the pressure that mind blogging me, so to calm myself from these thoughts I should focus myself more.

CH IV SCENE I: Justin’s office building around 900-1130

I stepped outside my car looked up to the  peak of the building, Justin’s office, It was so high as it towered over me, it added a little bit of pressure imagining that this tall building will be my office.

I breathe deeply and move towards the receptionist and asked a little bit about the exact location of the office I been referred to.

There were few people on the building, admittedly maybe it was still early. I walked myself inside the elevator and pressed the floor button where I’m heading.

Suddenly all hell break loose, as the elevator about to close the girl I argued with at the mall enters not knowing that I was aboard too, maybe she doesn’t notice or she doesn’t remember me anymore, or maybe she’s just to busy on her phone with an earphone plugged in her ears. I know as soon as she looked at me this elevator ride will be full of rage and fury and what’s even worse, she didn’t pressed any button, I guess we are really heading the same floor.

I tried to twist my head a little bit away from her sight, her peripheral vision to hid myself , then she began singing in a weird voice, at first it was not that loud then it started to get a little bit awkwardly loud, awkward as if she’s the only one aboard the elevator.

♫♫Be de dum…. Be de dum Its OKK!! ♫♫People on streets bedum da ey.. ♫♫ “ she sings in awkwardly loud voice listening on her phone ear plugged to her ear as she began to tap her one foot on the floor repetitively. Admittedly she has a nice voice even though that she sings it like she was imitating Freddie Mercury’s voice. She has a good falsetto, I thought to myself that she must be a professional singer or something because she actually nailing the song.

Then she bumped her elbow toward my shoulder.

Don’t mind me. . . Just trying to calm myself a bit. .. Under Pressure… …you know have an interview here “ She told me. Still not looking at me and not noticing that it was me. I just responded by just thumbing up and not saying anything to avoid her looking at my face.

Clichés of Being a Couple. (ONGOING)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin