"Good, now let's unpack!"

Tyler stayed on the bed for a few more moments before starting to unpack his bag.


Day 1

"The Sydney Opera House is our first stop!" Zoe chirped as she gently pushed me into the taxi with Tyler, then she got in as well. Alfie's, Joe's and Caspar's taxi was already leaving and I was able to see them waving at us through the window.

"And then the harbour bridge?" Tyler asked in a tone that made him sound as if he already knew the answer, then again, Zoe had been going on about the day plan ever since we saw each other at the airport back in Perth.

"Yes! And then we can go eat together and from then we separate." Zoe continued to explain what we already knew, I listened to her anyway.

The drive was short since our hotel was in the perfect location, meaning that the longest we would spend traveling to our planned destinations was roughly thirty minutes.

We arrived at the Opera House five past one. Suprisingly there wasn't that many people, I would have guessed it would have been packed full of people. I guess I was wrong.

"This is awesome!" Caspar exclaimed after he got out of his taxi.

"We need at least one photo together!" Zoe pulled out her phone and huddled us all together. She tried taking a few selfies but she couldn't fit all of us in. It was quiet funny to watch her struggle but in the end I decided to end her struggles.

I took my phone out and asked a person walking by to take a picture of the six of us. The lady gladly took my phone and took pictures of us, she smiled and carried on with her day.

"I could have managed." Zoe looked down at the ground with her arms crossed.

"I know, but I prefer a proper group photo." Zoe's frown slowly turned upwards into a meek smile. She then quickly took Alfie's hand and pulled him away.

"We'll meet here in around two hours!" Zoe shouted before she disappeared with Alfie.

Joe and Caspar went in the opposite direction to Zoe and Alfie, that left me and Tyler to go straight forward.

Tyler surprised me by taking a photo of me. I'm usually the one to take photos so it was a pleasant change.

"You look like a statue in the picture, a very handsome statue." Tyler held on tightly to my hand, he looked up at me then smiled, his eyes glistened and that moment I realised that I'll never let him go. We stopped moving, we stood next to a fence with people walking past.

"I love you-" We both said at the same time. Tyler and I laughed at how much it felt we were in a book or movie, how cliché it was for us to say the same thing at the same time.

"That was strange, but cute, and very cheesy." Tyler laughed under his breath.

I felt as if I needed to make the moment seem even more like it was from a movie. A wave of confidence rushed through my body. I looped one arm around Tyler's middle and I cupped his cheek with my other hand. Then in one swift motion I pressed my lips to his for a passionate kiss.

I leaned my body forward so that Tyler was leaning back. My hold around him was the only thing keeping him from falling to the floor.

Quickly I pulled Tyler back up, our lips still stayed connected. Tyler held on to my face, not eager to pull away. Unfortunately we couldn't stand in the middle of a public area just kissing, I feel like I've already crossed some type of line by displaying PDA.

Suburbia (Troyler AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora