Chapter nine

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Gale ended up spending most of her days down at the stables with Vlad or in the library, reading. She enjoyed watching the odd film in her room, but she normally only watched them when Victoria wasn't around. They didn't always like the same movies; although, a shared love of horse films was a given.
Victoria was normally with Jake, anyway. Gale didn't mind that much because she liked to have some alone time, where she could relax. Lessons were, for the most part, alright. Gale had Victoria and Jackson, as well as Triss and the others. Amber was pretty easy to ignore in lessons. Gale didn't sit near her and she hadn't said anything too mean yet.

Gale was in the library, trying to concentrate on her book. Jackson came to sit down beside her. At first, Gale jumped out of fright but she smiled when she saw it was him.
"Hi," She put her book down.
"You okay? I haven't seen you for a while..." Jackson smiled back.
"The last time you saw me was Saturday night. It's Sunday afternoon," Gale laughed.
"I know, I know," Jackson sat back in his chair. Gale had been training Vlad up every night with Jackson's help.
"Are you ready for tomorrow's lesson?" Jackson asked. Tomorrow would be Gale's chance to show the class she'd improved since her last disastrous performance on Vlad.
"I guess..." Gale nodded. "He doesn't spook at the poles anymore and he finds trotting poles quite easy,"
"I doubt you'll have to do anything too difficult. I think, last lesson was more for showing off what we already know," Jackson replied. Gale sighed and nodded.
"Oh, well," Gale shook her head. "If I make a fool out of myself, I'll only have to put up with Amber's teasing..." Gale added, sarcastically.
"I'll make you a deal," Jackson grinned "If you manage a little jump, only a little one, I'll take you on a date next Saturday,"
"Uhh... I'd say that's a fair deal," Gale smiled, a light blush forming on her face.
"Shake on it?" Jackson pushed his hand forward. Gale nodded and shook his hand.
"Does this mean we're dating?" Gale asked with a smile.
"Maybe..." Jackson stood up and went to leave. Gale smiled and turned back to her book.

It didn't take long for the last lesson of Monday to arrive. Gale wasn't as nervous about it now. Victoria walked down to the stable with her and they tacked up their horses together. Amber had taken to trotting about in the yard on Belle in front of the class. While she was quite obviously doing so for attention, all she received were rolled eyes.
Victoria and Gale rode Shadow and Vlad up to indoor school, Carol leading the group on Diego.
The students lined up on their horses. Jackson stood Goldrush next to Gale and Vlad; Victoria stood Shadow on Gale's other side.
"Okay, class," Carol looked over the students on their horses. "First, we'll start with some simple trotting. Everybody go around in a clockwise circle and when you get to that corner-" Carol pointed "-go into a trot," She let the students start and made Diego stand in the centre of the ring so she could watch.
Gale reached the corner and kicked Vlad into a trot. The Anglo-Arab did as Gale had asked and she went into rising-trot. The class did a couple of laps before Carol asked them to stop.
"Okay, next we'll use some cones to improve on our steering," Carol told them. Jackson looked across at Gale with a now-or-never look.
"Carol, do you think I could have a go at a jump, please?" Gale asked, quickly. Carol looked up, surprised, but she nodded.
"Sure, let me set one up for you," Carol got about find a pole.
"What are you doing?" Amber snarled, angrily.
"Having another go," Gale replied.
"You already had your go and you screwed it up!" Amber growled.
"I've been practising..." Gale tried to ignore her.
"Practice or no practice, you'd have to make a miracle to get that horse to jump!" Amber laughed.
"How high would you like it?" Carol asked as she picked up the pole.
"A foot high, please," Gale told her. She pulled on the reins, gently, and steered Vlad away from the jump and to the other side of the arena. When Carol had finished and out of the way, Gale kicked Vlad on and he trotted towards the fence. He didn't have to go fast to clear it so Gale didn't push him into a canter. She just hoped that he wouldn't spook. Everything seemed to slow down when they got closer to the jump and Gale could feel Vlad tense as he went to either jump or rear. He pushed off of the ground with his back hooves and Gale leaned forward ever so slightly. His front hooves landed with thud and Gale leaned back into her saddle, sitting up straight again. Vlad's back hooves meet the ground and Gale steered him back towards their space. Jackson and Victoria began to clap and cheer which was shortly followed by Jake, Triss and the rest of the class joining in. Amber huffed and puffed, arms crossed, angrily.
"Hey, Toria," Gale smiled "I've got an idea for Vlad's full name!"
"Really, what?" Victoria smiled.
"To keep in with the Dmitry Dream-Catcher theme, I was thinking..." Gale paused for effect "Vladimir Miracle-Maker,"
"Ooh, it's got a nice ring to it!" Victoria agreed.
"How's about we make plans for that date tonight," Jackson appeared beside Gale with a smile.

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