Part 1-5

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According to the police investigation, the driver of the SUV that bumped into Miyoko's car didn't notice the red light flashing on the traffic light. The driver is alive, but the lady who happens to be his girlfriend didn't survive the accident.

Some of Miyoko's stuff was retrieved from the wreck, including his cellphone and a notebook. I looked for Bella's number on his phonebook. I tried to call her many times, but she never responded. I scanned some pages of the notebook, and it turned out that it was a journal.

Miyoko's demise was causing his parents an extreme mental pressure, so maybe it wasn't the right time to ask them about Bella. But I was also wondering why they never mentioned about her. I asked some of our close friends if they knew Bella, but no one recognized her.

I decided not to give Miyoko's journal to his parents yet. I would keep it temporarily for this might be the key to know where I could find Bella.

The wake was held in a funeral parlor. On the fifth and last day of the viewing, many relatives and friends came to pay their last respects. I was now determined to ask Miyoko's parents about Bella.

I was chitchatting with some friends at the back of the room while Miyoko's parents were alone in the front row of chairs. When I saw his father went up and walked through the center aisle, I came across him and asked for a moment to talk with him personally. Then, we went into the cold night outside.

Although I'd never seen him cry over his son contrary to his wife who wept from time to time, the reddish wrinkles underneath his eyes were the evidence of sadness and pain.

"Yosef, I'm really grateful that you're always here with us. But you're spending so much of your time here. It's okay if you want to go home so you can take a rest."

"Don't worry, Uncle," I said. "This is the least thing I can do... for Miyoko." I bit my lips after I said the name. Even mentioning his name was really hurting.

He stroked my back, until I could talk again:

"I just want to ask something. It's about his girlfriend. Had Miyoko mentioned about her? Her name is Bella."

"Yes, he did mention that he had a girlfriend. But we've never got a chance to meet her. We were supposed to meet her that very night he passed away."

"Did you know where to find her?"

But he only shook his head.

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